This list is not about choosing the best Pokémon to fight - there are no “best” Pokémon, after all! Every team is different, and each battle may require different Pokémon to be successful. This is all about the Pokémon that offer practical benefits that you'll want to stick with if you plan to play well in the post-game. These aren't just some of my favorite Pokémon, they're also endlessly useful for a variety of reasons.
How To Evolve All New Pokemon In The Galar Region »Helpful Wiki Evolution Guide | What is exclusive to each version? | How To Catch a Shiny Pokemon | Pick This Starter Pokémon For An Early Advantage | How to easily upgrade Canarticho to Palarticho | Shiny Aura System | How To Catch Upgraded Pokemon | Combo and Ultimate Moves | Move tutors locations | How To Catch Pokemon Easier | Guide to False Sweeping and Hypnosis | Guide to Easter eggs, secrets and references

Gallame is one of the best for capture wild Pokemon in-game - and it's all thanks to False Swipe and Hypnosis. False Swipe allows Gallame to knock Pokémon down to 1 HP without defeating them, and hypnosis makes Pokémon easier to catch. This guy is absolutely essential!
You can collect False Swipe from any Pokémon Center. Talk to the move reminder on the left to learn it.
- How to catch: Capture a male Tarsal / Kirlia in the wild and use a Dawn Star. They are rare, so be on the lookout!

Ditto is absolutely essential for reproduction. Why? Because this sexless Pokémon can spawn with any other Pokémon in the game. Drop a ditto and a Pokemon of choice at the Pokemon Nursery, and they will start producing eggs. You don't want to miss this guy - if you manage to trade with a friend from another country / language, you will even get a bonus to the amount of Shiny Pokemon you find.
- How to catch: Same sometimes appears in the Outrage Lake Wilds area. Check daily to spot them!