Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX Starters
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX includes the following 16 starting Pokémon:
- Bulbizarre
- Charmander
- Carapuce
- Pikachu
- Meow
- Psykokwak
- Machoc
- Osselait
- Evoli
- Germignon
- Héricendre
- Kaiminus
- Arcko
- Poussifeu
- Gobou
- Skitty
At first, you'll take a personality quiz to find out which Pokémon is best for you. However, this test doesn't really matter too much in the end, as you can just ignore everything it tells you and choose the Pokémon you like from the list above. The game includes all of the starter Pokémon from Generation 1-3 as well as some favorites from these games like Machoc, Osselait, and Psyduck. There are no wrong answers as you can do very well with just about any of the above 16 Pokémon, but there are a few things to keep in mind when selecting your starter.
First of all, think about the type of Pokemon you are considering. Meowth or Eevee may seem appealing at first, but Normal-type Pokémon rarely learn powerful moves and don't. type advantages they can exploit in combat. You better choose someone like Gobou or Charmander, who will learn powerful movements of different types, allowing them to excel in certain matches. No matter who you end up choosing, make sure your Pokemon partner covers all weaknesses your starter may have. If you choose Gobou, for example, you will be weak against grass-type attacks, so you need to choose a fire-type Pokémon like Charmander or Dusky to be able to fight against all of the grass types you can encounter.
At the end of the day, however, you shouldn't think about it too much. Just choose the pair you like and have fun. You will do very well, learning a variety of moves during your adventures that will allow you to resist even the most powerful enemies.