Right at the top, Machop! Tasks and rewards
Below are all the tasks and rewards for the Straight to the Top, Machop! Special research story in Pokémon GO. This is activated during the Machop Community Day, which you can read more about here. Once activated, you must have purchased the Straight to the Top, Machop! ticket in the in-game store, or if you purchased the Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto ticket before January 13, you can complete it at any time. However, Machop Community Day will be the easiest time to complete all the tasks and earn all the rewards. So check them out below and try to complete it before the event ends.
Step 1 of 4
- Power up Pokémon 10 times - 10 Poké Balls
- Catch 15 Machop - 20 Machop candies
- Make 5 nice throws - Machop encounter
Rewards: 1000 Stardust, an incense, a meeting with Machop
Step 2 of 4
- Catch 15 Machop - 20 Machop candies
- Transfer 10 Pokémon - Machoke Encounter
- Evolve 3 Machop – 2000 XP
Rewards: 10 Poké Balls, one Incense, 15 Great Balls
Step 3 of 4
- Make 3 awesome Curveball throws - 20 Machop candies
- Evolve a Machoke - 5 Golden Razz Berry
- Transfer 10 Pokémon - 2500 XP
Rewards: 10 Poké Balls, Incense, Rocket Radar
Step 4 of 4
- Claim Reward - 4000 Stardust
- Claim Reward - 2500 XP
- Claim Reward - 5 Silver Pinap Berries
Rewards: 2000 Stardust, 3 Rare Candy, an encounter with Machamp
Pokémon GO Machop Community Day, straight to the top, Machop! Special search guide showing you all the tasks and rewards. Good luck and I hope you end up with a Shiny Machop or Machamp.