Johto Collection Challenge Guide
If you just need to know how to complete the Johto Collection Challenge in Pokémon GO, scroll down to find out how to catch all the cash you need. Before that, we wanted to break down the event and answer a few frequently asked questions. So here's everything you need to know about the Johto Collection challenge.
When is the Johto Collection Challenge
Players will receive the Timed Research Task for the Johto Collection Challenge in their Today menu on Tuesday, January 26 at 10 a.m. local time. You then have a little over five days to catch them all, with the task expiring on Sunday, January 31 at 20 p.m., also at your local time.
Which Pokémon do you need to catch for the Johto Collection challenge
All you have to do to complete the Johto Collection Challenge in Pokémon GO is to catch all featured Pokémon before the time runs out. Here is the full list with tips on some of them below.
- Chikorita
- Cyndaquil
- Totodile
- Sudowoodo
- Sunkern
- Murkrow
- Smeargle
- Miltank
- Larvitar
Many of them will be simple, with them appearing regularly in the wild. However, others might require more work. We have provided additional links and guides for those below.
What rewards do you get for completing the Johto Collection challenge
Catching all of the above Pokémon species during the event will earn you 15 Poké Balls, 10 Ultra Balls, and one Incense. It may not seem like enough to justify all the effort, but it will also add to your Elite Collector badge. While this has no effect in the game, these bragging rights will be important and players around the world are trying to complete the set.
How to meet the challenge of the Johto collection
All you need to do to complete the Johto Collection Challenge in Pokémon GO is to catch the required nine species while Timed Research is available. It sounds easy, but even with boosted spawns some of these Pokémon will be difficult to catch. And they actually need to be caught, because hatching them from eggs won't count. So we've divided the species into different groups, based on what we know about how to catch them all.
How to catch Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile
Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile shouldn't be too hard to catch for the Johto Collection Challenge. They will appear much more frequently in the wild and should be easy to find if you play regularly. If you're having trouble with any of them, you can use incense and / or a lure on a Poké Stop to try and spawn more. They'll also spawn during XNUMX-star raids, so keep an eye out for nearby gyms if you still need them. With enough play, you should check out these three items on your list pretty quickly.
How to catch Sudowoodo
Sudowoodo will be one of the hardest Pokémon to catch as they don't appear to be boosted in the wild and aren't on the official raid list. Like Plusle and Minun from the previous Celebration Event, Sudowoodo will be locked into Field Research tasks. We'll update here when we know which one.
How to catch Sunkern and Murkrow
Sunkern and Murkrow are similar to the three starting Pokémon of the Johto Collection Challenge in that they are boosted in the wild. Spawns should appear at a fairly steady rate, but will always be a bit rare for some, depending on their location or luck. To help you out, you may need to use an Incense or Decoy to get more spawns, increasing the chances of a Sunkern or Murkrow spawning for you.
How to catch the smeargle
Smeargle, as always, is a special case for the Johto Celebration event. Check out our full guide on how to catch Smeargle for tips. In short, you need to take some photos.
How to catch Miltank and Larvitar
Taking the place of Shieldon and Cranidos from the previous challenges, Miltank and Larvitar will be one of the hardest Pokémon to catch for the Johto Collection challenge. While they can and probably will appear in the wild for many players, even with a boost, they can be rare. So instead you are counting on a bit of luck as they will appear in raids in gyms. For more information, check out our full guide on how to catch Miltank and Larvitar.
And here's how to complete the Johto Collection Challenge in Pokémon GO. Check back for any updates as the event unfolds.