How to get Shiny Machop
Shiny Machop is quite easy to identify. Not only do you get the usual sparkles to show you that you've encountered a brilliant, but its coloring turns entirely green. Shiny Machamp is often referred to as The Incredible Hulk due to the color choice, so you need to know right away when you find a shiny and can focus on catching it. But meeting him is the hardest part, as it mostly comes down to determination and chance.
To catch a Shiny Machop in Pokémon GO, the main thing you need to do is meet as many Machop as possible during the event. They will breed much more frequently in the wild, so touch everyone you see. If you don't need more Machop Candy or you're in a rush, just take out if it's not bright and tap another to check again.
In addition to those that breed in the wild, there are several ways to meet more Machop during Community Day. The right to the top, Machop! Special Research will be offering a few meetups, so grab the ticket if you feel like you'll need it. Some Field Research tasks you acquire from Poké Stops will also offer encounters with Pokémon that fight, so watch them out and try to complete them before the event ends. Finally, you can have five Machop encounters by taking a snapshot with one of your current Pokémon. Just open their page and tap the camera icon at the top right, then take a photo. Back out and Machop will appear near you. Repeat this five times in total to get them all.
Focus on all of those encounters and this is how to get a Shiny Machop during Community Day in Pokémon GO.