There is a lot more new content that you can explore right now. January also has groundbreaking new research, giving you a shot at a Special Lokhlass with Ice Shard and Ice Beam. The Adventure Sync Hatchathon event is back - January 2-16, you'll earn bonus Stardust, Rare Candy, and an Unova Stone for going the distance. And you will get Pokémon with Party Hats 2020 if you hatch eggs!
You'll also find Heatran in new 5-Star Raids and new Pokémon from the Unova region in the New Year. We don't know which Pokémon are coming yet, but they will be here soon.
All the Shadow Pokémon you can catch (so far!) | Complete list | How To Catch (And Purify) Shadow Pokémon | Capture Guide | How To Fight Team Rocket GO | Invasion Event Guide | How the new Buddy Adventure system works
To get your own Shadow Sulfura in, you will need to follow the Équipe GO Rocket Special Research Professor Willow's quests. By completing these quests and defeat Go Rocket team leader Giovanni, you will get the Shadow Sulfura.
It's a tricky task, and if you've never done it before, let's break down all the steps you'll need to take.
- How to fight Giovanni - step by step
- Get The Rocket Radar - Defeat the Rocket Grunts team, collect mysterious components.
- Defeat All 3 Team Rocket Leaders - Use Rocket Radar to locate special invaded Pokestops.
- Complete the special "Looming in the Shadows" search to unlock the Super Rocket Radar.
- Use the Super Rocket Radar to locate Team GO Rocket Leader Giovanni.
The GO Rocket Grunts team appear to random invaded Pokestops, and sometimes they drop special items called Mysterious Components.
Collect six mysterious components to create a rocket radar, leading you to one of three GO rocket bosses. You will have to repeat this step three times, then complete the special research "Looming in the Shadows" to finally face Giovanni. Be sure to check your items and use them to craft the Rocket Radar - and each Rocket Radar can only be used once!
You can continue to fight the Rocket Leaders multiple times after locating their hiding place. Rocket Radars will also be available in the store - so you can spend the money and get them faster if you don't want to grind.