How to catch Herdier
As noted above, the Herdier you need can be difficult to find in the wild. They will reproduce, but as an evolved form their rarity may be higher. So you might need some other methods or a few tips to get one and complete the collecting task. As for tips, using Incense is the best thing you can do, as well as playing Pokémon GO as much as you can while the event is live. It lasts from January 12 at 16 p.m. local time until Sunday, January 17, so you have time, but make sure to complete it before the Unova Collection Challenge ends and you miss your shot.
If one doesn't appear in the wild for you, you're depending on another somewhat random chance. Herdier will also appear in Three Star Raids, so if any of them appear you should complete it to complete the Unova Collection challenge by defeating and catching the Herdier. To do this, you will need the best counters. Check them out below.
Herdier raid guide - The best counters
Herdier isn't the hardest raid challenge you'll encounter in Pokémon GO, but you'll probably need a minimum of a trainer or two to help you out. Once you have them, either locally or via ranged raids, you can attack it and probably defeat it pretty quickly if you have the right counters. These are listed below, but note that any versions of Shadow with the correct moveset would be better than normal or even purified versions.
- Lucario with Counter and Aura Sphere
- Conkeldurr with counter and dynamic punch
- Machamp with counter and dynamic punch
- Breloom with counter and dynamic punch
- Hariyama with counter and dynamic punch
- Sirfetchd with counter and close combat
- Blaziken with Counter and Focus Blast
- Heracross with counter and close combat
So, as you can see, throwing powerful Herdier-type Pokémon should bring it down quickly and easily. Just bring a friend or two and you shouldn't have too much of a problem now that you know how to catch Herdier for the Unova Collection Challenge in Pokémon GO. Need help with the rest? Check out our full guide.