Galarian M. Mime event special research tasks and rewards
Below are all the stages with their tasks and rewards for the “Tap… tap… Tappity-Tap…” event of the Galarian Mr. Mime event. It's not on time, so if you've purchased a ticket, you'll get the research tasks and be able to complete them whenever you want. Of course, it will be much easier to complete them during the hours of the event, which runs from Saturday, December 19 at 10 a.m. to Sunday, December 20 at 20 p.m. your local time. If you miss it, you can continue working on it later.
"Press ... press ... Press Press ...." Special research tasks and rewards
Step 1 of 5
- Catch 15 Ice-Type Pokémon - Snorunt Encounter
- Make 3 superb Curveball throws - Vulpix encounter
- Transfer 10 Pokémon - 3 Incense
Rewards: 2000 Stardust, 3 Rare Candy and a meeting with Jynx
Step 2 of 5
- Catch 15 Pokémon - Jigglypuff Encounter
- Spin a Poké Stop or Gym - Meet Whismur
- Use 10 berries to help catch Pokémon - 3000 XP
Rewards: 2000 Stardust, 10 Poké Balls and an encounter with Chimecho
Step 3 of 5
- Catch 15 Psychic-Type Pokémon - 30 Ultra Balls
- Make 3 nice Curveball throws in a row - 3 premium fight passes
- Increase your Pokémon 3 times - 3000 XP
Rewards: 2000 Stardust, 1 Poffin and a meeting with Mr. Mime with Galarian
Step 4 of 5
- Win A Heart With Your Boyfriend - 30 Mr. Mime Candy
- Earn a Candy Walking With Your Boyfriend - 30 Mr. Mime Candy
- Evolve a Galarian Mime - 3000 XP
Rewards: 2000 Stardust, 1 Glacial Lure mod and a meeting with Mr. Mime with Galarian
Step 5 of 5
- Claim Reward - 3000 XP
- Claim Reward - 3000 XP
- Claim Reward - 3000 XP
Rewards: 3 Super Incubators, 3 Star Coins, and the Mime Pose for your Trainer
Total Rewards: 18000 XP, 8000 Stardust, 60 Mr. Mime Candy, 3 Premium Battle Passes, 3 Super Incubators, 3 Rare Candies, 1 Poffin, 2 Glacial Lures, 3 Incense, 3 Star Coins, 30 Ultra Bullets, 1 Pose exclusive trainer, meeting with Alolan Vulpix, Jigglypuff, Jynx, Whismur, Chimecho, Snorunt, Lapras, Woobat and Cubchoo, and above all 2 Galarian Mr. Mime meetings.
And here is our special Pokémon GO Galarian Mr. Mime research guide that shows you all the tasks and rewards.