Distracted by Something Bright Special Research Tasks and Rewards
Here are the four stages of Special Research Distracted by Something Shiny. It's not a terribly difficult challenge, but some steps can take a while. Patience will help you be successful, while also making sure to check in often in the game. One task requires you to beat Jessie or James 4 times, so be sure to complete it while the event is happening or it will be over. difficult later. The Jessie and James Shiny Celebi event ends on December 17 at 22 p.m. local time. Here are the rest of the tasks and rewards ...
Step 1 of 4
- Transfer 10 Pokémon - 20 Ultra Balls
- Catch 10 Grass-Type Pokémon - Nuzleaf Encounter
- Evolve 3 Grass-Type Pokémon - Cottonee Encounter
Rewards: encounter with Diglett, 500 Stardust and 1000 XP
Step 2 of 4
- Play with your Buddy 10 times - 1 Poffin
- Take a snapshot of a Grass-type Pokémon encounter - Combee
- Treat Your Friend 10 Treats - Meet the Cherubs
Rewards: Pinsir encounter, 500 Stardust and 1000 XP
Step 3 of 4
- Defeat Jessie or James 4 times - 5 Max Revives
- Make 5 Great Curveball Throws - Hoothoot Encounter
- Hatch 3 Eggs - Meet Whimsicott
Rewards: Vibrawa encounter, 500 Stardust and 1000 XP
Step 4 of 4
- Claim Reward - 500 XP
- Claim Reward - Strange Encounter
- Claim a reward - Foongus encounter
Rewards: Shiny Celebi encounter, 500 XP and 1000 XP
So here is our Pokémon GO guide distracted by something bright with all the tasks and rewards. Now go get this shiny Celebi.