December Community Day Special Research Tasks and Rewards
Below are all the tasks and rewards for the Pokémon GO December Community Day Special Research which is unlocked through the Paid Ticket. (Note: the list will be updated as tasks are uploaded alongside the event)
Step 1 of 4
- Catch 15 Piplup - 10 PokéBalls
- Catch 15 Rhyhorn – 10 Baies Razz
- Catch 15 Abra - 1500 XP
Rewards: 10 Pinap Berries, 1 Sinnoh Stone and 2000 Stardust
Step 2 of 4
- Catch 15 Seedot - 10 Ultra Balls
- Catch 15 Weeds - 1500 XP
- Catch 15 Gastly - 1500 Stardust
Rewards: 1 incense, 1 poffin and 2000 Stardust
Step 3 of 4
- Catch 15 Charmander - 1 Elite FastTM
- Catch 15 Magikarp – 10 baies Pinap
- Catch 15 Porygon - 1 Stone Sinnoh
Rewards: 1 Rocket Radar, 1 Upgrade and 2000 Stardust
Step 4 of 4
- Claim reward -
- Claim reward -
- Claim reward -
December Community Day Scheduled Research Tasks and Rewards
There is also a free timed search task which is quite quick and easy to complete. Here are the tasks and rewards for it ...
Step 1 of 1
- Transfer 20 Pokémon - 10 Poké Balls
- Catch 12 different species of Pokémon - 12 large balls
- Catch 40 Pokémon - 10 Ultra Balls
Rewards: 2000 XP, 1 Elite Charged TM and 25 Poké Balls
And here's our special search (and timed search) guide for Pokémon GO December Community Day that shows you all the tasks and rewards. There's a lot going on all weekend long so hopefully you finish it and get to enjoy all the event has to offer.