Is the A Tale of Tails ticket worth buying?
Let's start here, because this is the first question players need to decide. As with previous Community Day Special Research Tickets, A Tale of Tails will only cost you $ 1, which helps demonstrate that it's worth buying right out of the game. The answer to this question depends on largely from how you play Pokémon GO and what you're looking for in the Charmander Community Day event.
Currently, full details of what the ticket brings you and what you'll be doing have not been revealed (check back for an update closer to the event, with all the details added below), we So let's start from the previous events offered. In short, it all comes down to if you need additional Charmander encounters, increasing the chances of getting Shiny Charmander, or if you need additional candy to evolve and power yourself up.
For the Decoding Porygon ticket in September, players received the following: 10 Poké Balls, 60 Porygon candies, 3 Incense, an Upgrade, a Poffin, a Rocket Radar, a Sinnoh Stone, 5 Silver Pinap Berries, 4000 XP, 3 Rare Candy, 13000 Stardust, 2 Porygon encounters, one Porygon2 encounter, and one Porygon-Z encounter. You can pretty much swap all of Porygon's encounters for Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard here and get a feel for if it's worth it for you. For $ 1, most players will find A Tale of Tails worth buying simply because it offers over $ 1 in items like incense and gives you fun things to do all over the place. throughout Charmander Community Day.
How to complete a special search on A Tale of Tails
As soon as the full stages of A Tale of Tails are revealed, we'll add them here, so check back for an update on Saturday or just before. As with previous Community Day ticket events, players will be tasked with mostly easy missions. Catching a certain Charmander number, getting a curve ball or big throws, and transferring or evolving Pokémon GO are usually chores, so it's not too difficult. Still, once the objectives are uncovered, we'll have them listed here, so be sure to keep an eye out for it soon.
What rewards do you get from the A Tale of Tails ticket?
The full rewards will likely be the same as we got for the Decoding Porygon ticket, but with Charmander in its place. As with the above, watch for an official update listed here when the rewards are known. Until then, here's probably what you'll receive, but that's speculation: a fair amount of Poké Balls, dozens of Charmander candies, Charizard Mega Energy, a Poffin, a Rocket Radar, thousands of EXP, and Stardust, rare candies, and several encounters with Charmander, Charmeleon and / or Charizard.
So that's what we have at the moment is that the A Tale of Tails Special Research Ticket for Charmander Community Day is worth buying, how to complete it, and what the rewards are. Get closer to the event to see what has been updated.