One of the best ways to get the new Pokémon from Pokémon Go is the hatching of eggs. We at Binfogamer.com we therefore thought of creating a complete guide divi listing all the Pokémon present inside the eggs from 2 Km, 5 Km, 7 Km and 10 Km.
How to recover eggs and speed up their hatching
Unlike the classic chapters of the saga, in Pokémon Go there will be no method of playing the Pokémon, and the only way to get the eggs will be the Pokéstop, which will release them along with other items such as cures and candy.
Once this is done you will have to put the egg in the incubator and travel the distance required for its hatching.
However, we must point out that there are two types of incubators; a normal (Blue) which causes the eggs to hatch at the required speed (2 Km, 5 Km, 7 Km and 10 Km) e a special purple version which halves of 1,5 the time required for hatching.
In the latter we advise you to insert the eggs that require more than 2 Km to open.
Once the required distance has been covered the egg will hatch, giving us the Pokémon contained within.
We would also like to clarify that players will be able to bring along a maximum of 9 eggs and they will have to leave the excess ones in the Pokéstop, thus losing them forever.
All the Pokémon contained in 2 Km Eggs
- Name: Bulbasaur
- Type: Grass / Poison
- Evolutions: Ivysaur (25 Candies), Venusaur (100 Candies)
- Name: Charmander
- Type: Fire
- Evolutions: Charmeleon (25 Candies), Charizard (100 Candies)
- Name: Squirtle
- Type: Acqua
- Evolutions: Wartortle (25 Candies), Blastoise (100 Candies)
- Name: Open
- Type: Psycho
- Evolutions: Kadabra (COM)25 Candies), Alakazam (100 Candies)
- Name: Machop
- Type: Lotta
- Evolutions: Machoke (25 Candies), Machamp (100 Candies)
- Name: Shellder
- Type: Acqua
- Evolution: Cloyster (50 Candies)
- Name: Ghastly
- Type: Ghost / Poison
- Evolutions: Haunter (25 Candies), Gengar (100 Candies)
- Name: Krabby
- Type: Acqua
- Evolution: Kingler (50 Candies)
- Name: Magikarp
- Type: Acqua
- Evolution: Gyarados (50 Candies)
- Name: Chikorita
- Type: Erba
- Evolutions: Bayleef (25 Candies), Meganium (100 Candies)
- Name: Cyndaquil
- Type: Fire
- Evolutions: Quilava (25 Candies), Typhlosion (100 Candies)
- Name: Totodile
- Type: Acqua
- Evolutions: Croconaw (25 Candies) Feraligatr (100 Candies)
- Name: Pichu
- Type: Electro
- Evolutions: Pikachu (25 Candies), Raichu (100 Candies)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Name: Cleffa
- Type: Elf
- Evolutions: Clefairy (25 Candies), Clefable (100 Candies)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Name: Igglybuff
- Type: Elf
- Evolutions: Jigglypuff (25 Candies), Wigglytuff (100 Candies)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Name: Togepi
- Type: Elf
- Evolutions: Togetic (25 Candies), Togekiss (100 Candy and Sinnoh Stone)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Name: Misdreavus
- Type: Spectrum
- Evolution: Mismagius (50 Candies and the Twilight Stone)
- Name: Swinub.
- Type: Ice / Normal
- Evolutions: Piloswine (50 Candies), Mamoswine (100 Candies)
- Name: Treecko
- Type: Erba
- Evolutions: Grovyle (50 Candies), Sceptile (100 Candies)
- Name: Torchic
- Type: Fire
- Evolutions: Combusken (50 Candies), Blaziken (100 Candies)
- Name: Mudkip
- Type: Acqua
- Evolutions: Marshtomp (25 Candies), Swampert (100 Candies)
- Your name: Makuhita
- Type: Lotta
- Evolution: Hariyama (50 Candies)
- Your name: Aron
- Type: Steel / Rock
- Evolutions: Lairon (25 Candies), Aggron (100 Candies)
- Your name: Meditate
- Type: Fight / Psycho.
- Evolution: Medicham (50 Candies).
- Your name: Wailmer
- Type: Water.
- Evolution: Wailord (50 Candies).
- Your name: Spoink.
- Type: Psychic.
- Evolution: Grumpig (50 Candies).
- Your name: Swablu.
- Type: Normal / Flying.
- Evolution: Altana (50 Candies).
- Your name: Luvdisc
- Type: Acqua
- Your name: Turtwig.
- Type: Grass.
- Evolutions: Grotle (50 Candies), Torterra (100 Candies).
- Your name: Chimchar
- Type: Fire
- Evolutions: Monferno (25 Candies), Infernape (100 Candies)
- Your name: Piplup.
- Type: Water.
- Evolutions: Prinplup (25 Candies), Empoleon (100 Candies).
- Your name: Cricket death
- Type: Beetle
- Evolution: Cricketune (50 Candies)
- Your name: Bonsly
- Type: Rock
- Evolution: Sudowoodo (25 Candies)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Your name: Square
- Type: Normal
- Evolution: Watchog (50 Candies)
- Your name: Lillipup
- Type: Normal
- Evolutions: Herdier (25 Candies), Stoutland (100 Candies)
- Your name: Purrloin
- Type: Dark
- Evolutions: Liepard (50 Candies)
- Your name: Pidove
- Type: Flying / Normal
- Evolutions: Tranquill (12 Candies), Unfezant (12 Candies)
5 Km Egg Pokemon
- Your name: Sandshrew
- Type: Land
- Evolutions: Sandslash (50 Candies)
- Your name: Psyduck
- Type: Acqua
- Evolutions: Golduck (50 Candies)
- Your name: Growlithe
- Type: Fire
- Evolutions: Arcanine (50 Candies)
- Your name: Ponyta
- Type: Fire
- Evolutions: Rapidash (50 Candies)
- Your name: Magnemite
- Type: Electro / Steel
- Evolutions: Magneton (50 Candies), Magnezone (100 Candies)
- Your name: Seal
- Type: Acqua
- Evolutions: Dewgong (50 Candies)
- Your name: Onyx
- Type: Earth / Rock
- Evolutions: Steelix (50 Candies and Metal Blanket)
- Your name: Cubone
- Type: Land
- Evolutions: Marowak (50 Candies and Metal Blanket)
- Your name: Lickitung
- Type: Normal
- Evolutions: Lickilicky (50 Candies)
- Your name: Rhyhorn
- Type: Rock / Earth
- Evolutions: Rhydon (50 Candies), Rhyperior (100 Candy and Sinnoh Stone)
- Your name: Tangela
- Type: Erba
- Evolutions: Tangrowth (50 Candies)
- Your name: Horsea
- Type: Acqua
- Evolutions: Seadra (50 Candies), Kingdra (100 Candy and Dragon Scale)
- Name: Scyther
- Type: Beetle / Flying
- Evolution: Scizor (50 Candies and Metal Blanket)
- Name: Omanyte
- Type: Water / Rock
- Evolution: Omastar (50 Candies)
- Name: Kabuto
- Type: Water / Rock
- Evolution: Kabutops (50 Candies)
- Name: Mareep
- Type: Electro
- Evolutions: Flaaffy (25 Candies), Ampharos (100 Candies)
- Name: Yanma
- Type: Beetle / Flying
- Evolution: Yanmega (50 Candies)
- Name: Pineco
- Type: Beetle
- Evolution: Forretress (50 Candies)
- Name: Gligar
- Type: Poison / Flying
- Evolution: Gliscor (50 Candies)
- Name: Sneasel
- Type: Ice / Dark
- Evolution: Weavile (100 Candy and Sinnoh Stone)
- Name: Skarmory
- Type: Steel / Steering wheel
- Name: Tyrogue
- Type: Fight
- Evolution: Hitmonlee (25 Candies and high attack value), Hitmonchan (25 candies and high defense value), Hitmontop (25 Candy and high HP value / high stamina value)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Name: Smoochum
- Type: Ice / Psychic
- Evolution: Jinx (50 Candies)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Name: Elekid
- Type: Electro
- Evolutions: Electrabuzz (50 Candies), Electrvire (100 Candy and Sinnoh Stone)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Name: Magby
- Type: Fire
- Evolutions: Magmar (50 Candies), Magmortar (100 Candy and Sinnoh Stone)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Name: Lotad
- Type: Water / Grass
- Evolutions: Shadow (25 Candies), Ludicolo (100 Candies and Water Stone)
- Name: Azurill
- Type: Normal / Fairy
- Evolutions: Merill (50 Candies), Azumerill (100 Candies)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Nome: Nosepass
- Type: Rock
- Evolution: Probopass (50 Candies)
- Name: Carvanha
- Type: Water / Dark
- Evolution: Sharpedo (50 Candies)
- Name: Trapinch
- Type: Earth / Grass
- Evolutions: Vibrate (25 Candies), Flygon (100 Candies and Water Stone)
- Name: Cacnea
- Type: Grass
- Evolution: Cacturne (50 Candies)
- Name: Lileep
- Type: Grass / Rock
- Evolution: Cradily (50 Candies)
- Name: Anorith
- Type: Beetle / Rock
- Evolution: Armaldo (50 Candies)
- Name: Shuppet
- Type: Ghost
- Evolution: Banette (50 Candies)
- Name: Duskull
- Type: Ghost
- Evolutions: Dusclops (25 Candies), Dusknoir (100 Candies and Terrorcloth)
- Name: Wynaut
- Type: Psycho
- Evolution: Wobuffet (50 Candies)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Name: Clamperl
- Type: Water
- Evolutions: Huntail o Gorebyss (50 Candies)
- Name: Budew
- Type: Grass
- Evolutions: Roselia (50 Candies), Roserade (100 Candy and Sinnoh Stone)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Name: Warp
- Type: Beetle / Flying
- Evolution: Vespiquen (50 Candies)
- Name: Buizel
- Type: Water
- Evolution: Floatzel (50 Candies)
- Name: cherubi
- Type: Grass
- Evolution: Cherrim (50 Candies)
- Name: Drifloon
- Type: Ghost / Flying
- Evolution: Drifblim (50 Candies)
- Name: Buneary
- Type: Normal
- Evolution: Lopunny (50 Candies)
- Name: Glameow
- Type: Normal
- Evolution: Purugly (50 Candies)
- Name: Stunky
- Type: Poison / Dark
- Evolution: Skuntank (50 Candies)
- Name: Bronzer
- Type: Steel / Psychic
- Evolution: Bronze (50 Candies)
- Name: Hippopotamus
- Type: Land
- Evolution: Hippowdon (50 Candies)
- Name: Crusted
- Type: Poison / Beetle
- Evolution: Drapion (50 Candies)
- Name: Croagunk
- Type: Poison / Fight
- Evolution: Toxicros (50 Candies)
- Name: Finneon
- Type: Water
- Evolution: Lumineon (50 Candies)
- Name: Mantyke
- Type: Water
- Evolution: Mantine (50 Candies)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 7 Km eggs
- Name: Snover
- Type: Ice / Grass
- Evolution: Abomasnow (50 Candies)
- Name: Snivy
- Type: Erba
- Evolutions: Servine (25 candies), Serperior (100 candies)
- Name: Tepig
- Type: Fire
- Evolutions: Pignite (25 candies), Emboar (100 candies)
- Name: Oshawott
- Type: Acqua
- Evolutions: Dewott (25 Candies), Samurott (100 Candies)
- Name: Blitz
- Type: Electro
- Evolution: Zebstrika (50 Candies)
- Name: Drilbur
- Type: Land
- Evolution: Excadrill (50 Candies)
- Name: Foongus
- Type: Grass / Poison
- Evolution: Amoonguss (50 Candies)
7 Km Egg Pokemon
- Name: Sandshrew di Alola
- Type: Ice / Steel
- Evolution: Sandslash di Alola (50 Candies)
- Name: Vulpix in Alola
- Type: Ice
- Evolution: Ninetales di Alola (50 Candies)
- Name: Diglett of Alola
- Type: Earth / Steel
- Evolution: Dugtrio di Alola (50 Candies)
- Name: Meowth di Alola
- Type: Dark
- Evolution: Persian at Alola (50 Candies)
- Name: Geodude di Alola
- Type: Rock / Electro
- Evolutions: Graveler di Alola (50 Candies), Alolan golem (100 Candies)
- Name: Grimer di Alola
- Type: Poison / Dark
- Evolution: Muk di Alola (50 Candies)
- Name: Chingling
- Type: Psycho
- Evolution: Chimney (50 Candies)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 10 Km eggs
- Your name: Happiny
- Type: Normal
- Evolutions: Chansey (25 Candies), Bllisey (100 Candies)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 10 Km eggs
- Your name: Munchlax
- Type: Normal
- Evolution: Snorlax (50 Candies)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 10 Km eggs
- Your name: Riolu
- Type: Fight
- Evolution: Lucario (50 Candies)
- Extras: You can find a better specimen inside the 10 Km eggs
- Your name: Kangaskhan (Obtained via Ultra Bonus Event Eggs)
- Type: Normal
- Your name: Mr.Mime (Obtained via Ultra Bonus Event Eggs)
- Type: Psycho / Elf
- Your name: bulls (Obtained via Ultra Bonus Event Eggs)
- Type: Normal
- Your name: Farfetch’d (Obtained via Ultra Bonus Event Eggs)
- Type: Normal / Flying
10 Km Egg Pokemon
- Your name: Lapras
- Type: Ice / Water
- Your name: Porygon
- Type: Normal
- Evolutions: Porygon 2 (50 Candies and Upgrade), Poryzon Z (100 Candies)
- Your name: Aerodactyl
- Type: Rock / Flying
- Your name: Dratini
- Type: Drago
- Evolutions: Dragonair (25 Candies), Dragonite (100 Candies)
- Your name: Larvitar
- Type: Rock / Earth
- Evolutions: Pupitar (25 Candies), Tyranitar (100 Candies)
- Your name: Ralts
- Type: Psycho / Elf
- Evolutions: Kirlia (25 Candies), Storage100 Candies) or Gallade (100 Candies and Pietralbore)
- Your name: Slakoth
- Type: Normal
- Evolutions: Vigoroth (25 Candies), Slaking (100 Candies)
- Your name: Nincada
- Type: Ground / Beetle
- Evolutions: Ninjask (50 Candies) o Shedinja (50 Candies)
- Your name: Sableye
- Type: Ghost / Dark
- Your name: Mawile
- Type: Elf / Steel
- Your name: Feebas
- Type: Water
- Evolution: Milotic (50 Candies and Beautiful Scale)
- Your name: Absol
- Type: Dark
- Your name: Bagon
- Type: Drago
- Evolutions: Shelgon (25 Candies), Salamence (100 Candies)
- Your name: Beldum
- Type: Steel / Psychic
- Evolutions: Metang (25 Candies), Metagross (100 Candies)
- Your name: Shinx
- Type: Electro
- Evolutions: Luxio (25 Candies), Luxray (100 Candies)
- Your name: Cranidos
- Type: Rock
- Evolution: Rampardos (50 Candies)
- Your name: Cranidos
- Type: Rock / Steel
- Evolution: Bastiodon (50 Candies)
- Your name: Gible
- Type: Dragon / Earth
- Evolutions: Gabite (25 Candies), Garchomp (100 Candies)
- Your name: Ferroseed
- Type: Grass / Steel
- Evolution: Ferrothorn (50 Candies)
- Your name: Sounds
- Type: Steel
- Evolutions: Klang (25 Candies), Sound (100 Candies)
- Your name: Litwick
- Type: Fire / Ghost
- Evolutions: Lampent (25 Candies), Chandelure (100 Candies and Unova Stone)
- Your name: Golett
- Type: Ghost / Earth
- Evolution: Golurk (50 Candies)
- Your name: Deino
- Type: Dragon / Dark
- Evolutions: Zweilous (25 Candies), Hydreigon (100 Candies)
Pokémon Go It is available for iOS and Android.