That's why it's important to get off on the right foot immediately. Choosing your two starting weapons, while not a permanent decision, affects early stats and overall gameplay. In this guide, we go over the different options available and the types of weapons to choose from for the start of this demanding adventure.
Which starting weapons to choose
The question of which guns to choose is not a simple one, as there are many facets that change the answer for each person. The game offers a wide range of selections to fill the two available weapon slots. Keep the following points in mind when weighing options.
Starting weapons affect starting stats
While you are free to switch to any weapon you want after choosing the intro, that doesn't change the stats provided at the start. These free attribute bonuses are useful nudges in the direction of your targeted build.
All stats - Constitution, Heart, Courage, Stamina, Strength, Skill, Dexterity, Magic - start with a base value of 5. Each of the two weapons chosen will increase the associated category by one point without the need to spend. of Amrita (XP) to upgrade. It's an early game bonus that can put players on the right track.
The bonuses are as follows:
- Ax - Stamina +1
- Double swords - Skill +1
- Fists - Strength +1
- Hatchets - Skill +1
- Kusarigama - Dexterity +1
- Odachi – Force +1
- Spear - Constitution +1
- Splitstaff - Magic +1
- Switchglaive – Magie +1
- Sword - Heart +1
- Tonfa – Courage +1
Since weapons can be traded at the player's discretion, focus on increasing stats that best match desired building goals. Selecting a particular weapon does not lock the character into a certain playstyle.
Weapon Scaling Reveals Great Pairs
The weapons provided at the start not only host attribute bonuses, they also reduce specific attributes which are increased throughout the game. Preferred playstyle is always an important factor, but your life will be made easier by grabbing bonuses. weapons that have overlapping attribute preferences.
For example, the combination of spear and double swords shares skills in skill and strength. Leveling in these areas will benefit both weapons. It also means that skill points should be spread across fewer categories so that damage can be amplified more effectively.
Diversify the ranges of engagement
Maybe you prefer close quarters combat, and that's fine. But having two weapons with minimum range will restrict the tactics available throughout encounters.
Each weapon fills a different engagement range. Using the previous pairing example, the double swords will cut out up close while the spear will strike from afar. Factoring in combat distances can make you a formidable foe as you begin to progress through the story.
Follow these instructions and there will be few scenarios in the early hours of Nioh 2 that you are not properly equipped for.