Developers of the "Euro Truck Simulator 2" have recently posted on their blog an article about integrating their TELEMETRY SDK that amateur developers are the ability to access the data in the game and make all kinds of use of this information. What is then done with this information depends on the individual's creativity and technical knowledge.

This is an interface to the data in the game, such as. The speed indicator of the tractors or the data on the location, or is the possibility to change the sound of the trucks and so on. The ideas of the modifications are few limits, this is because the (Application Programming Interface) approach API is the interface between the SDK and the game, all the data of the game. Do you want to influence physical driving, as I think this should be a bit one way or another? No problem! All the physical data is you about the SDK.
Of course, modifying the interface requires a little programming experience, so it will be possible for only a small part of you to even implement ideas with it. However, there are only ready applications created for the SDK that we want to display here. At the end of the article you will find links that can help you use the SDK to integrate the following plug-ins.
A good example of the possible use of data that can be read through the SDK. The application allows the speedometer and navigation system data in the game to read and, for example. On a tablet or other desktop screen. The details about the plug-in and integration learned in the SCS software forum.
This technical use of telemetry SDK allows greater variation of different tactile feedback for Logitech flywheels. The author and creator of this cool application allows, for example, in trucks have a retractable and extendable shaft to convey the feeling to the steering wheel when the shaft, as it retracts. Also, the steering wheel will react differently, the heavier the load or the steering behavior will realistically adjust the gear engaged in. For more details on the application can be found in the SCS Software forum (unfortunately only in English).
The SDK interface can also affect the sound output depending on the game situation. So started this nice plug-ins has found a way for a greater variety of engine noise and other sounds of the theme tractors. For more information and details about the improved sound plugin you experience in the SCS Software forum.
In the video below shows the creator of the improved sound plug-ins (Ingmar Lazdins) how beautiful sound sounds your engine:
These examples illustrate what options developers, modders, and amateur programmers are given through the telemetry SDK. For all the rantrauen in the programming: the TELEMETRY SDK can be downloaded directly below by clicking on the graphic.
More information on use can be found in the official SCS software forum. The detailiierteste description of the integration of the SDK and work with it is its HUB in the GIT on, which was created by fans of the "Euro Truck Simulator 2". Here you can find a good explanation for the SDK telemetry in English. In general, it is difficult to unfortunately the entire SDK to obtain the information in German. In addition to the necessary experience in programming and modding knowledge of English are therefore also asked if you want to work with the TELEMETRY SDK. If you want to know more information on how to get hacks for euro truck simulator 2, see the link.