My Player Builds - Fundamentals of Player Building
When you start the drive creation suite, you will need to select your basic information. Some of the details on the front page don't matter much, but your position on the pitch certainly does. Pick a position that will match your expected skill set. For example, you wouldn't want to create a 6ft tall point guard that is a paint beast. While there are crossovers between positions, ultimately you will want to cover as many skills as possible with your players.
Choose your skills and their distribution
The pie charts you are prompted to choose contain the breakdown of your skills. Blue is for the finish. Green is for shooting. Yellow is for play. Red is for defense / rebound. Depending on the size of the piece of pie, the potential will be high in this skill set. The pie chart you choose will determine the maximum ratings you can get for your player throughout your career. There are many archetypes to choose from.
Maximize your player's potential
At this point, the choices you have made will give you the maximum number of potential levels for your player in different attributes of the Finishing, Shooting, Game Crafting, and Defense / Bounce categories. Depending on how you allocate your points, you may be able to unlock a different number of badges for your player.
Adjustment of physical attributes
The final step in creating your character asks you to define their body type, weight, height, etc. Changing these can drastically change your potential higher or lower depending on how far you stray from the default height and weight for your position.
Put it all together
Depending on the type of player you want to build, changing your attributes will make things possible or impossible for your player to do. Changing things like wingspan, weight, and height will allow you to speed up (or not), get contact dunks (or not), and more. Depending on what you choose to put in points, you will have the opportunity to get more badges on a created player. Badges are definitely the differentiator between good players created in 2k and average players.
Choose your recovery
Your takeover is the last piece of the puzzle, and it will ultimately depend on your personal preferences when it comes to choosing your takeover. The one that suits your playing style is the one that you will want to choose. However, when creating a pure player like a Pure Sharpshooter or Glass Cleaning Forward, you should probably choose Lockdown Defender or Glass Cleaner as the takeover just to get the upgrades associated with your build.
Best my player builds NBA 2K21
My players' builds can be good or bad, but it really depends on who controls them. While the versions below have worked well in our hands, they might not match your playstyle or in-game habits. That is why it is important to note that you can feel free to try these out. players by adding or removing attributes during creation. Maybe you like the base version, but want more finishing badges (eg, sake), or want something a little different. These builds aren't set in stone, so give them a try to see what looks good on the pitch.
Bidirectional playmaker - Point Guard / Shooting Guard
The Two-Way Playmaker is a good build that feels well rounded on the pitch. As the name suggests, "2-way" means this player is also capable of the offensive and defensive side of the ball with plenty of unlockable badges for defense / rebound / and play. This build will let you play, with enough shooting points to allow you to grab more than 10 shooting badges, which can keep you powerful on the offensive side of the game. While the lower part of your game will be in the finishing department, your lay-up and dunk will be on your side. conduct should be enough to keep you relevant in the painting.
Once you reach the end of the physical attributes of this equation, you will probably want to test your weight and wingspan. However, we suggest you keep your height at 6,55 low weight and big wingspan.
Great playmaker - Small striker
This version of Playmaker is deadly due to the size of the player. You are going to do a little forward of 6'6 6'7. This player is going to get their own shots consistently with 30 playmaker badges and plenty of shot badges. As always, these builds can be tweaked if you'd rather have a few less game badges and more shooting or more defense.
Lockdown Defender / Sharpshooter – SF
Want the best of both worlds? Good at defense and good at shooting? The Lockdown Sharp is a competitive build that is equally effective on both sides of the ground with 20 defensive badges and 19 shooting.
Pure sniper
If you are looking for a pure shot, you should definitely try to create the Pure Sharp version. As you can imagine, this is a heavy green build that will give you 30 shooting badges and all 90+ shooting stats when you hit 99 in total. It will be a deadly shooting game in almost any situation with bullet handling skills to open on its own. The construction of Sharpshooter can be changed slightly to create playing edges, lockable edges, etc. However, if you want the Pure Sharp to put all the points in your shot and then rain riders on your opponents.
Power Forward / Center Window Cleaning
The Power Forward and Center positions in 2k basketball are a dying art, but it's still very much needed in a five-man team. A tall, dominant man can crush the planks and this build will focus exclusively on cleaning the glass. To do this, you'll dip all of your points into defensive and rebound skills, and you'll end up at 95 overall in offensive and defensive rebound. Physical attributes can be changed to further increase some of these stats. While it's nice to have a taller center or a taller fore-end, it's probably beneficial to keep their height lowered to around 6'9 or 6'10 so that their speed doesn't suffer.
Paint Beast – Centre / Power Forward
If you want to get a feel for what the Paint Beast is, it's Shaq in the 90s. Maybe a little smaller than Shaq, but who isn't. The Paint Beast is a paint finisher that has a 90+ potential for all dunks, close-ups, pole hooks, as well as respectable overall pole moves. 30 finishing badges will get you finished in almost any situation. The Paint Beast will live and die in the paint, it won't be a player who has a versatile game in terms of shooting outside of the paint. This one-dimensional player will just try to overpower those who are in the way.