Albedo's banner is either nearing completion or complete, depending on when you read this guide. He'll reappear later down the line, we just don't know when. I will update this article to reflect its return whenever it reappears in a new banner. In the meantime, I encourage everyone to spend responsibly if they read this at the end of their Secretum Secretorum banner. It is a 5 star after all.
Genshin Impact albedo distribution
Below is the full list of Albedo's attacks and abilities, his passive talents, constellations, and finally all of his ascension and talent requirements. Building recommendations, to include both suggested weapons and artifact sets, are the focus of this guide, following the constellations of Albedo.
Albedo attacks and abilities
- Melee: Favonius blade - Weiss
- Normal Attack: Perform up to 5 quick strikes.
- Charged Attack: Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash 2 quick sword hits.
- Dive Attack: Dives from the air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the way and dealing AoE damage on impact.
- Elementary Skill: Abiogenesis: Solar Isotome
- Albedo creates one using alchemy, which deals AoE Geo damage to appearance.
- When enemies in the field take damage, the Solar Isotoma will generate that deal AoE Geo damage. Damage dealt increases Albedo's defense.
- can only be generated once every 2s.
- When a character is at the, la will build up the Geo power to form a crystallized platform that lifts the character up to a certain height. Only one crystallized platform can exist at a time.
- Only one created by Albedo can exist at a time, and it is considered a Geo construct.
- Press and hold to designate the location of the skill.
- the can be installed and used as a "lift" of sorts.
- Albedo creates one using alchemy, which deals AoE Geo damage to appearance.
- Elemental explosion: offspring rite: tectonic tide
- Under Albedo's command, Geo Crystals arise and explode, dealing AoE Geo damage in front of him.
- If one created by Albedo himself is in the field, 7 will spawn in the field, exploding violently and dealing AoE Geo damage.
- Tectonic Tide damage and damage will not generate.
Passive albedo talents
- Homoncular nature
- Using Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide increases the Elemental Mastery of nearby party members by 125 for 10s.
- Calcite could
- Transient Flowers Generated by Abiogenesis: Solar Isotome deals 25% more damage to opponents below 50% HP
- Flash of Genius
- When Albedo makes Weapon Ascension Materials, he has a 10% chance to receive double the proceeds.
Constellations d’albédo
- Eden flower
- Transient flowers generated by albedo abiogenesis: the solar isotome regenerates 1,2 energy for albedo.
- Opening of Phanerozoic
- Transient flowers generated by abiogenesis: Albedo solar isotome subsidy for 30s.
- Each stack of Fatal Reckoning increases damage by 30% of Albedo's Defense.
- The effect stacks up to 4 times.
- Unleash the Offspring Rite: Tectonic Tide consumes all charges from Fatal Reckoning, increasing the damage dealt by Tectonic Tide and Fatal Blossoms based on the number of charges consumed.
- Transient flowers generated by abiogenesis: Albedo solar isotome subsidy for 30s.
- Grace of Helios
- Increases the level of Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma by 3. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
- Descent of the Divinity
- Solar Isotome increases dive attack damage by 30% for active party members within the area.
- Hadean Tide
- Increases the level of Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide by 3. The maximum buff level is 15.
- Purification dust
- If active party members with AoE are protected by a shield created by Crystalize, Solar Isotoma increases their damage by 17%.
Albedo creation suggestions
Albedo performs well as a DPS / Support hybrid character in Genshin Impact. If you are looking for an optimal game, it will integrate best with the other characters in Geo (namely Ningguang). Bring it in and out of combat to take advantage of its short cooldown and high energy regeneration. While defense doesn't seem like a terrible stat for Albedo due to the way Solar Isotama evolves, it's not really viable for him until you unlock his second Constellation, which will require deep pockets. or a solid chance in subsequent banners. Attack percentage, Geo damage, and Critical damage are optimal for Albedo in Genshin Impact.
The 4-star swords that pair well with Albedo are the (currently an event-only sword) and. If you shot the 5 star then use that on everything else.
- Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 16/20/24/28/32% and Elemental Skill CRIT rate by 6 / 7,5 / 9 / 10,5 / 12%. Secondary: energy recharge.
- Since Albedo's elemental skill is on an extremely short cooldown (3,5s), you can spam it to increase damage while using this blade. Energy Recharge means its Elemental Shard can be charged and ready to use long before it runs out of cooldown.
- Critical hits have a 60% chance to generate 1 Elemental Orb, which will regenerate 6 energy for the character. Can only occur once every 12 seconds. Secondary: energy recharge.
- Critical rate increased by 4%. Gains when using Elemental Burst: Increases movement speed by 10%, increases attack speed by 10%, and increases damage from normal and charged attacks by 20% for 12s. Secondary: energy recharge.
- Albedo can play a more aggressive DPS role with this sword, as his Elemental Burst will normally be ready for use by the time it comes out of cooldown. Perfect his supporting role, and for those who want to support him.
Genshin Impact's artifact sets that work well with Albedo are Archaic Petra and Noblesse Oblige. Having a mixed 2/2 of each or a full four piece bonus from either set is good, although you only really want to go for a full set of Archaic Petra if you're using Albedo in predominantly games. Geo. Aim for attack percentage, geographic damage, and critical damage. Defense isn't entirely worthless, but it shouldn't be a priority.
- Archaic Petra (Domaine de Guyun)
- (2) Geo DMG Bonus + 15%
- (4) Upon obtaining an Elemental Shard created by a Crystallization reaction, all party members gain 35% bonus DMG for that particular element for 10s. Only one form of Basic DMG Bonus can be earned in this manner at a time.
- Noblesse Oblige (clear pool and mountain cave)
- (2) Elemental Blast DMG + 20%
- (4) Using an elemental explosion increases the ATK of all party members by 20% for 12s. This effect cannot stack.
Albedo Climbing Materials
- 20 level
- 1x Prithiva Topaz Ribbon, 3x Cecilia, 3x Divination Scroll, 20000 Mora
- 40 level
- 3x Prithiva Topaz Fragment, 2x Basalt Pillar, 10x Cecilia, 15x Divination Scroll, 40000 Mora
- 50 level
- 6x Prithiva Topaz Fragment, 4x Basalt Pillar, 20x Cecilia, 12x Sealed Scroll, 60000 Mora
- 60 level
- 3x Piece of Prithiva Topaz, 8x Basalt Pillar, 30x Cecilia, 18x Sealed Parchment, 80000 Mora
- 70 level
- 6x Piece of Prithiva Topaz, 12x Basalt Pillar, 45x Cecilia, 12x Scroll of Forbidden Curse, 100000 Mora
- 80 level
- 6x Prithiva Topaz Gems, 20x Basalt Pillar, 60x Cecilia, 24x Scroll of Forbidden Curse, 120000 Mora
Albedo Talent Upgrade Materials
- 2 level
- 3x ballad teachings, 6x divination scroll, 12500 Mora
- 3 level
- 2x Guide to the Ballad, 3x Sealed Parchment, 17500 Mora
- 4 level
- 4x Guide to the Ballad, 4x Sealed Parchment, 25000 Mora
- 5 level
- 6x Guide to the Ballad, 6x Sealed Parchment, 30000 Mora
- 6 level
- 9x Guide to the Ballad, 9x Sealed Parchment, 35000 Mora
- 7 level
- 4x Ballad Philosophies, 4x Scroll of Forbidden Curse, 1x Caeli Monero Defense, 120000 Mora
- 8 level
- 6x Philosophies of the Ballad, 6x Scroll of Forbidden Curse, 1x Caeli Monero Defense, 260000 Mora
- 9 level
- 12x Philosophies of Ballad, 9x Scroll of Forbidden Curse, 2x Defense of Monoceros Caeli, 450000 Mora
- 10 level
- 16x Philosophies of the Ballad, 12x Scroll of Forbidden Curse, 2x Defense of Monoceros Caeli, 1x Crown of Insight, 700000 Mora