Admin commands are basically tips that you can use to modify the game the way you want. You can customize your experience by entering these commands and playing with what they give you in the game's giant sandbox.
You can use these controls in single player or multiplayer, on a private server. A person just needs to have the correct permissions to enter commands and this can be done through server settings or by using an administrator password that you set.
Enabling administrator permissions
To bring up the admin command bar, just press Tab on PC, L1 + R1 + Square + Triangle on PlayStation 4, or LB + RB + X + Y on Xbox One. You will then need to activate the cheats, which is done by entering:
Simply replace "password" with the password set for the administrator password on the server.
This will then allow you to start entering tips and commands for the game. Here are the commands you can type and what they will do:
Administration commands
Activates the administrative user interface.
Log in as administrator.
responsible for requests
Allows people with a password to log in as a viewer.
active cheat spectator
Kills your character and puts you in spectator mode.
stop waiting
End of spectator mode.
setcheatplayer true / false
Enables or disables the cheat menu.
AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck cheat
Whitelist a player's Steam ID
triche DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck
Removes a player from a whitelist
SetMessageOfTheDay cheat
Defines a message for people who connect to the server.
cheat broadcast
Send a message to everyone on the server.
ServerChat cheat
Sends a chat message to all players connected to the server.
triche ServerChatToPlayer <“PlayerName”>
Send a private message to a player with their name.
triche ServerChatTo <“Steam64ID”>
Send a private message to a player with their Steam ID.
deceive god
Activate God mode (you cannot die).
cheat fly
Gives you the ability to fly.
cheat on foot
Disable the ability to fly.
cheat teleportation
Moves the player forward in the direction they are looking until they encounter an object or land. If there is nothing in their path to touch, they teleport to 0,0 instead.
cheat teleporteridtome
Teleports the specified player to the current player.
teleportation cheat
Teleport to the specified player.
cheating slomo 5
Changes the speed on the server, like the movement of the player.
deceive the player
Freezes everything except for gamers.
ghost cheating
Activates noclip so that you can browse solid objects.
Instantly tame a dinosaur.
Tames target creature if it can be tamed.
cheating force
Forces the player to join the targeted tribe.
cheating force
Force the player to join the tribe with the tribe ID.
giveexptoplayer cheat
Give experience to another player.
cheat addexperience 1000 0 0
Gives you 1,00 experience points and the value can be changed.
cheat giver