How does Pointman work?
As we stated above, the Pointman Perk simply turns your killstreaks into scorestreaks. Scorestreaks were present in previous Call of Duty titles like last year's Black Ops 4, so the system is nothing new. Instead of earning streaks purely based on how many people you kill, you now earn them by racking up points, with everything from eliminations to assists to flag catches counting towards streaks. If you're just killing people then kill sequences will undoubtedly work better for you, but a Call of Duty match can be about more than just killing people.
Shooting down UAVs, capturing targets, and even getting assists count towards your next streak, and when you bundle those with the kills you get, you'll be getting high streaks in no time. Plus, along with the scores, some of your sequences will even do some of your work for you. Calling in a UAV, for example, will give you UAV aids on your teammates' attacks, racking up more points for your next streak.
Is Pointman Worth It?
While Pointman looks great on paper, in practice there are several tradeoffs you need to be comfortable with if you want to equip this perk. First off, Pointman occupies the Perk 2 slot, the same slot as perks like Ghost and Kill Chain. Some people cannot live without these perks, so you'll have to be prepared to make a sacrifice if you want to upgrade to Pointman. Second, the cost of points for streaks can be a bit too high. There are tons of ways to earn points in Modern Warfare, so scorestreak costs have to be higher to accommodate that. Most of the time, getting the kills needed for a killstreak is less difficult than trying to rack up points for a scorestreak.
It's a personal preference, so if you don't care about Ghost and want scores instead of killing streaks, then go ahead and equip Pointman. Also, think about which game modes you tend to play the most often. If you only play Team Deathmatch then Pointman might not be the best choice for Perk 2. If you only play Domination or Hardpoint on the other hand you will have more points then it might. worth putting this advantage.