A new Mega-Evolved Buddy challenge is here in Pokémon Go, and it's the last one that concludes a trio of events following the release of Mega-Evolution. The Mega-Evolved feature was released at the end of August with a mixed reception regarding changes to the game, such as the addition of a speed reward to raids and the amount of energy required for Mega-Evolve a Pokémon. Niantic quickly jumped on it and took feedback from the early version to tweak current functionality. While it's still a bit bumpy, Mega-Evolution seems to be doing well among community members, with more Pokémon Mega-Evolved coming out in the future.
In addition to a new set of Timed Research tasks and rewards for the Mega Buddy event, there are more spawns, more shiny Pokémon, and Field Research tasks that Trainers can grab to earn more. by Mega Energy. Here's all we know.
The Mega Buddy event runs from Sept. 22 at 8 a.m. to Sept. 00 at 28 p.m. in your local time zone.
All augmented Spawns Pokémon
These are all the Pokémon that you can expect to see randomly appearing in the wild much more frequently than usual. Everyone will also be more likely to be tall.
- Arbok
- Doduo
- Dunsparce
- Exeggutor
- Furret
- Hariyama
- Hitmonchan
- Hitmonlee
- Jynx
- Lapras
- Mantine
- Onix
- Pinsir
- Skarmory
- Ronflex
- Wailmer
- Wobbuffet
New Shiny Pokémon
Duduo and Dodrio will have their shiny versions available in the game, and you can find them in the wild. While they're incredibly rare to locate, we hope that increasing spawns will make it much easier to add these new Pokémon to your collection.
Timed search
A new timed search will be available throughout the event. You can find these tasks in your Today view. You want to make sure you complete them all to get access to the next scheduled Halloween Research that will be released during Halloween week. Research will open up the possibility for you to evolve your Gengar into Mega Gengar for the first time.
Field research
Field Research Tasks are quests that you can receive from Gyms and Poké Stops in your area. These event-exclusive Field Research tasks reward you with Mega Beedrill, Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur energy that you can use to Mega Evolve your respective Pokémon.
We'll update this section when we find out what tasks these are.
Mega-evolved effects
Throughout the event, Mega-Evolutions now last three times as long. You can now use your Mega-Evolved Pokémon for 12 hours instead of just four hours. Make sure you Mega Evolve them early in the day to use them whenever you want to raid or practice fighting a friend.
The Mega Buddy event ends on September 28 at 22 p.m. in your time zone.