It may happen, at times, that you want to emulate a iPhone on your PC for several reasons. In fact, you may want to try an iPhone app on a larger screen or test the compatibility of a site or application on the iPhone. In case you don't have an iPhone, you can still use the device virtually thanks to some software that must be installed on the PC. Their use is a lot simple and, following our advice carefully, you will be immediately practical inemulate an iPhone on a PC.
iPadian is one of the best software that allows you to emulate an iPhone on a PC. Available for Windows e MacOS, it is very fast and easy to use. For this, it definitely ranks high in the ranking of the best apps to emulate iPhone on PC. In addition, you can also download apps fromApp Store and use them for free on your PC. Unfortunately, there is no version free of the app but you will have to buy it at a cost of approx 20€. Once you have purchased the software from Official site you can immediately proceed with its installation and configuration. The application will start automatically and you will immediately notice the presence of the iOS interface.
iPhone Simulator
iPhone Simulator is another great alternative to emulate an iPhone on PC. The software in question is free and available for Windows. Thanks to iPhone Simulator you will be able to use the main applications of the Apple smartphone, including notes, calculator and various settings. Furthermore, you can also test iOS games using your PC screen. The app, also appreciated for its excellent graphics, is downloadable and can be used completely free of charge.
If you use a Mac and want to test iOS apps on a bigger screen then Xcode is definitely for you. As you may have already understood, the application is only compatible with MacOS and allows the user to use only the default iOS apps, or those developed on your computer. After downloaded and installed Xcode on your Mac, you can immediately start testing it and using the apps of your interest.
Test a website
If you are going to test a website using Xcode:
- Click on the menu Xcode placed at the top left, then up Open Developer Tool
- Select the item Simulator
- Go inside the menu Hardware, Then Device
- Choose the version of the operating system and the model of iPhone you intend to use
- Then start Safari and go to the site you intend to test
- At the end of the procedure, to close the simulator click on Simulator, placed at the top left, then up Quit simulator
Test an application
If, on the other hand, you are gods developers and intend to test a newly created app:
- Within the application, click on the menu Product, Then Run
- Select the model of iPhone you intend to test
This way you will have the opportunity to test yours project and resolve any issues before returning it public.
Smart Face
Also Smart Face it can be used to emulate an iPhone on your PC. The software, available for Windows, is suitable for testing different types of apps on the Apple smartphone, but you can also use it to test exclusive games and programs for iOS. However, using Smart Face is especially recommended a developers experts, given its features definitely Advanced.
Appetize.io it's a great service online which allows users to emulate an iPhone on their PC via a browser. For this reason there will be no need to install anything on your PC and you can start using the software by simply connecting to the official page. Appetize is free for a total of 100 hours per month per person, otherwise it becomes a payment. Once on the official website:
- Click on Upload at the top right
- Next, click on Select File to import the file IPA of your application
- Enter yours email (you will receive an email containing a link on which you must click)
- After that, the emulator will start automatically and you can start using the software for emulate l’iPhone su PC
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