In addition to participating in the various questions to the public, he shared experiences and anecdotes.
Most notable of these is that he recounts how he was hired by Steve Jobs, when he was still at Next Computers, before it was bought by Apple.
Forstall was considering joining Microsoft when he went to interview at Jobs' company. Although he was answering questions from various executives all day, in the purest "Jobsian" style, Steve Jobs came to interview him first, and after fifteen minutes of discussion told him he would hire him, but they still had. all day long.
As a special favor, he asked her to show interest in the other interviews, even knowing the decision had been made. It did and signed a stellar path in relaunching Apple through the products that made it the largest consumer electronics company in the world.
Finally, both the change of leadership in Apple, with the retirement (and subsequent death) of Steve Jobs and the confirmation of Tim Cook in the direction of the Cupertino company and the spectacular failure in the deployment of the Maps application, led to his departure. . from Apple.
Scott Forstall begins his participation around minute 30.