Qualifying for the next round isn't too difficult once you've learned the basics and figured out how to win a race or stay alive, but that pressure increases when there can only be one winner.
When you get to the end of a show, you will reach what is called a final round. Whoever wins will win the crown: but with great rewards great challenges come. Here are some tips and tricks for winning the final round of Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout.
Autumn mountain

The most basic game in the Final Round is Fall Mountain. Dodge the falling balls, spin the hammers, and go up a steep hill in front of the others, but there are three major tips for securing your victory.
- Time your take. Make sure to clap your hand as soon as you touch the crown. If you don't grab the crown fast enough, you'll miss it and knock a treadmill backwards.
- Spring ahead. There are turn blocks which, if hit by a ball, can push you back, but: They can also push you forward. If you see that a ball is about to hit one of the spinning blocks, try to pass it on the opposite side. It can put you ahead of your competition and give you a clear road to victory.
- Hammer time. When approaching the rotating hammers, try to dodge them entirely, but as a safety measure if you go through the hammer in the area where they are turning towards the top of the mountain, you will only fall, instead of also be knocked down.

Hex-A-Gone is in many ways the most difficult game there is. Every hex you walk on will disappear after a while, and while there are multiple floors, you can also squeeze through multiple layers if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. With that said, there are a few tips to ensure a win.
- Get down to your level. You might be thinking the same is staying as high as possible, but you better get down to a low level early. That way, other players won't run into you until they're lower down, and you'll have the first choice of what the two lower layers will look like.
- Jump as you go. While trying to clear more territory you'll just want to run, but once you're out of a lot of tiles and you're just trying to stay alive, slow down. Carefully jump from room to room, using your airtime each time to increase your overall life time.
- Cut them off. The last trick is to run right in front of a player at the same level as you, especially on the final layer. If you do this fast enough, they will fall into the mud and be eliminated.
Royal Fumble

Royal Fumble is Tail Tag at the highest difficulty level. There is only one queue, and of course only one winner. It sounds simple enough, but keeping that tail is easier said than done. Here are some ways to ensure your victory.
- Timing is essential. In all fairness, the first half of the game doesn't matter. The change from spawning yourself with a tail, or getting it early and keeping it with all the other players after you're slim to none. It only really makes a major difference if you grab the tail after the minute.
- Create a diversion. If everyone's on your tail - literally, try running somewhere that might put you out of sight of other players' cameras, then run in a direction from there that you normally can't go. Other players can run the wrong way and this gives you more time to escape.
- Slow and steady. If you're trying to get the tail, sometimes it's not so much about the high-speed chase as it is waiting for the right time to strike. Park in an area where you think the hairpin can go and grab it by surprise.
Overall, each Final Round game has its own structure and strategy, and you can find a different strategy that works for you, but these strategies are a great place to start.