Pokémon HOME is where you can keep a large amount of Pokémon in one place online. The platform allows you to bring any Pokémon you want to use, from older games to newer ones. You can do this through Pokémon Bank, and Pokémon Go. Now, if there's a Pokémon you're looking for, you might be able to trade it with another player. Rather than looking for trades available through websites, Discord, or Reddit, you can trade them HOME Pokémon.
To redeem a Pokémon HOME, you must have access to the mobile app. You can get it for an iOS or Android smartphone. Both are free, but there are premium versions of HOME Pokémon available where you can keep up to 6 Pokémon in different boxes. You don't need the premium version to trade.
When the mobile app is installed on your phone, you want to open it and go to the business section at the top left of your screen. Click on it and you should transfer to a blue screen where you can see the total trades made from Pokémon HOME, current trade ranks, wonder box, GTS, room trades, and friend trades. These are all different methods of trading on Pokémon HOME.
With the wonder box, you place a Pokémon in there and wait for it to come out for another trainer. In this case, you receive a random Pokémon in return. It's a fun way to trade if you're not looking for a specific one.
To use GTS, you can be a little more specific. First, you choose a Pokémon you want to trade and then type in the name of the Pokémon you want to receive. You can include their gender, level, and even the Pokémon game they came from. However, at the bottom you can also choose to receive a random Pokémon for the one you set up. You can trade whatever you're looking for in exchange, like a random Pokémon, something to help you out, something you want to use that's strong in battles, or even to refill your Pokédex.
Alternatively, you can create a coin swap where you trade a Pokemon with a specific trainer. To create a room, you must have the premium version of HOME Pokémon. However, if a friend wants to trade with you and they have the premium version, they can set up the room and you join their room through the specific ID attached to them or the code template your friend creates for make the room private. Downstairs, you have the option to join a random trading room to trade a Pokemon with someone.
The last option is an exchange of friends. Before doing this, you must have friends on Pokémon HOME, which you can make from the main screen. When you've added them, you can choose to contact them and train a trade. Everyone has access to this and 10 friend exchanges available.
There are several ways to trade Pokémon I hope you will meet another trainer who can trade the Pokémon you are trying to find with you. It's also a great way to trade with friends you have an old Pokémon with from one of the oldest games you've always wanted to use.