The first Pokémon Sword and Shield DLC begins with Isle of Armor. The DLC expansion allows you to visit the new region of Isle of Armor in Sword and Shield. Before starting the DLC, you will need to purchase the expansion card from Nintendo eShop. You can do this from the Nintendo Store or do it from your Nintendo Switch. You will need your Nintendo profile synced with the website to log into your Pokémon account, allowing you to unlock the region.
After purchasing the Expansion Pass all you need to do now is load into your Pokémon Sword or Shield game. You will receive a notification on how you have an Armor Pass. The Armor Pass will allow you to enter the Isle of Armor region. You will be able to venture into this region after unlocking the wild area in your Pokémon game.

With your Armor Pass available and the wilderness area open, you can now get to the railway staff at Wedgehurst Station. You can open your map and travel to this region by clicking on it from your map and using a flying taxi to get to the main entrance.
Once there, enter and talk to the conductor in green outfit after a short cutscene with the new character that is being added to the DLC. For those with Sword, it will be Klara, and those with Shield will meet Avery. You can choose to visit the Isle of Armor and you can now begin your journey to the new region.