Destiny 2's Dawning 2019 event is here and it's time to celebrate the holiday cheer. To get started, you need to talk to Eva who is waiting at the top of the Eververse store on the Tower. Talk to him and take the Cheer Up? quest for her after you give Zavala her gift and you are about to receive the Encouragement Sparrow.
The quest needs you to complete four different tasks:
- Deliver Vanilla Blades to Shaxx
- Deliver Chocolate Cookies to Amanda
- Deliver Birdseed to Hawthorne
- Bake 12 gifts
These tasks require a variety of ingredients to complete, namely the first three. Let's break them down (we'll see how to get Essence of Dawn at the end):
Vanilla blades: Cabal Oil, Crisp Flavor and 15 Dawn Essences
For Cabal Oil, all you have to do is kill the Cabal you meet in the universe. You can find several of them in the EDZ on the Echion hold. You can acquire Sharp Flavor by killing an enemy with a sword, so be sure to kill a few Cabals this way.
Chocolate cookies: Cabal oil, zero taste and 15 dawn essences
Just like the previous ingredient, you have to kill Cabal for these baked goods, so no need to explain it. For zero taste, you have to kill an enemy using vacuum based class abilities or weapon types. Similar to the strong flavor, you want to kill Cabal using these two choices.
Eliksni Birdseed: Ether Cane, Personal Touch et 15 Essence of Dawning
Now for Ether Cane you have to take our Falleen anywhere in the universe. Since you are working on this quest, it might be a good idea to stick with the EDZ and visit Trostland and take them there. For Personal Touch, you have to take out enemies using your Guardian's melee attack, so kill a few Falleen up close.
So, for the Essence of Dawning, there are several ways to bring them together. You can earn them by completing Bounties for Eva, Patrols, Escalation Protocols, Public Events, Heroic Adventures, Gambit or Crucible Matches, Nightfalls, or Forge Completions.
After that, the last thing to do is prepare 12 different gifts. After that, you will receive the Dawning Cheer Sparrow which you can run through to spread Dawning Cheer wherever you go.
Eventually you will need to upgrade the Sparrow if you want to complete the 2019 Dawning Triumphs. To upgrade it you need to make 150 gifts, make Lavender Ribbon Cookies for Saint-14, then Fractal Rolls for Brother. Vance.