Your targeting system in Star Wars: Squadrons makes a difference in any battle. Effectively using this part of your Starfighter is the key to defeating enemies - human or AI - so you'll need some tips to properly lock in. Here is our guide on how to lock enemy Starfighters into Squadrons.
The first thing to do is find a target. This is easy as there are a lot of opposing Starfighters around you on the battlefield, as well as bigger ships in other game modes like Fleet Battles.
Once you have chosen a target, you can begin the locking process. Line up your target so that it is near or centered in your reticle. You will receive an indicator that the locking process has started once they are. Hold your target in your reticle, otherwise the lock will fail. Once the lock is confirmed, you can fire your missile or other weapon.
How to change targets in Star Wars: Squadrons
You can change your target in squads if you think your current target is too difficult to take down. There are five ways to switch targets, and you can read more about each of them below:
- Hostiles attacked by automatic target - Activating this option will select your next target based on the enemy you are shooting at
- Manual reticle targeting - Press the Select Target button (T key on PC, LT on Xbox One, L2 on PlayStation 4 or JOY 2 on your joystick) to select whatever is directly in front of you
- Target my attacker - Double-press G, A on Xbox One, Cross on PS4 or JOY 5. This targets whoever is currently shooting at you
- Cycle targets - Press F on PC, A on Xbox One, Cross on PS4 or JOY 5. This cycles through enemies that match your targeting wheel criteria. You can make it appear by holding the 5, LT, L2 or JOY 10 key
- Ally Ping - You can acknowledge an ally's ping by pressing the B, Y key twice on Xbox One, Triangle on PS4 or JOY 8. This will select the enemy ping as the target