Bedbugs are among the most difficult insects you will encounter in Fondé. These bus-sized creatures signify business and while their legs are powerful tools, they also use deadly gas warfare, which means you should keep your distance and expect them to try. to take you up close.
Where to find bedbugs
You can find bedbugs at a particular location in the southwestern part of the map, near where you can find the large bug spray. You can use and climb on the large rake to spot them, and when you do, you can probably see how often they spray their gas around them. It's a scary sight, so you want to keep your distance at all times.

How to kill bedbugs
A good method of eliminating them might seem a little cheap, but it's an extremely safe way to fight and loot them without putting yourself in too much danger. Essentially you want to build a Sprig bow using three strands, four midge down and two woven fibers, then lots of arrows that require two mite down and five thistle needles. The last thing you need to find is a dandelion clump to use as a glider.
Once you have a good amount of arrows in your inventory, go to the top of the rake in the southwest part of the map, choose a Stinkbug, and start hitting it with arrows. They do a decent amount of damage where spicing up the bug should eventually kill it. Make sure you have extra supplies in your inventory to craft any arrows you might need during the encounter.

You might feel a little bad, but given how powerful and deadly these bugs are, it's a good strategy. The central idea is to be patient, to keep them away continuously and to avoid involving them as much as possible. Once you've got rid of your prey, use your dandelion tuft to float on the ground and pick up your res