Much like the rest of the open world areas of Warframe, you can engage in animal conservation on Cambion Drift on Deimos. This will become very important very soon to get to the area, as you will need Sound Tokens to rank with the Entrati Syndicate. You can earn Sound tokens by keeping animals, then exchanging the labels with Son at the Necralisk.
What you need to get started with animal conservation
Velocipods are one of the only types of animals you can keep right away. These flying insects roam the surface of Deimos and you can take them down with your Tranquilizer Pistol. Son doesn't actually sell one, so if you need to get one, you'll have to visit The Business in Fortuna and buy it for 500 Solaris Standing. To keep a Velocipod, shoot it with the Tranq rifle, then interact with it to get Son to take it away.

For all other Cambion Drift animals you will need to purchase decoys. It is only when you have animal specific decoys that markers will appear on your map, telling you where to go to start a conservation mission. You can buy them from Son, and you can see his position in the Necralisk shown on the map above.
The first lure you will be able to buy is the Cryptilex lure, and you will have to gain some position with the Entrati to get it. It will cost you 500 standing to get this decoy. You can also buy Phermone Gland and use it to increase the rarity of the animal that might appear when using the decoy. You have to use it right before you use the decoy for it to work, and it costs 150 standing for one of them.
How to capture an animal
The easiest way to get a perfect animal capture is to use a Warframe which has a stealth ability. Ivara is the best choice, but if you don't have it, you'll want to use a Loki or an Ash. Make sure you edit them for the duration, to stay invisible for as long as possible.
All you have to do is follow the animal and find its droppings. To do this, you must have your Tranq rifle equipped; then the different drop-off locations will appear on the map, but only for the types of animals for which you have a decoy. They will appear on the map as a small blue icon.

Access one of them and interact with it. Follow the tracks until you find the animal nest, then take out the Echo decoy for that animal. Use the decoy to attract the animal, and when it is successful, make sure you instantly turn invisible to prevent the animal from seeing you and ruining the capture.
Now watch the minimap while the animal spawns there. When it does, slowly walk towards him and use the Tranq rifle to put him to sleep, then interact with him to have the floating robot come in and take him away.
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