While all of the Adopt Me in Roblox pets are quite cute, the Neon pets really stand out among the crowd, and we've added to the game to give longtime gamers a new kind of pet to chase away. . Neon animals are not easy to get, and they require a lot of play time and even a little luck.
How to get neon animals
To get neon animals, you will need four animals of the same type, all adults. All four animals will need to be upgraded from newborn to full grown status, which means there are plenty of quests that will need to be completed to help them grow.
When you have four of the same pets that are all adults, you will need to visit the adopted island. On Adoption Island, you will see a bridge, and below there will be a gate. Go ahead and you can create your Neon animal using your four normal animals.
There will be five circles on the ground, one in the center with four at each of the cardinal points around it. Place one of your pets in each of the outer circles, and when you place the last one, the Neon Pet will be created. Now keep in mind that you will lose the other four pets to create the Neon pet, so make sure you want to do that. The Neon Animal will also be a Newborn, so you'll need to level it up to Full Grown again. Neon animals look a lot like normal pets, but various areas of their bodies glow in neon colors.
If you find yourself with four neon animals of the same type, you can return to the room below the bridge and combine them into Mega Neon animals. Again, it will take four adult Neon animals, called Luminous, and you will lose them all in the process of creating the Mega Neon animal.