List of all New Horizons DIY mushroom recipes
Here are all the DIY mushroom recipes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Under the name are the materials necessary for the manufacture of the object.
Forest floor covering
1 rare champignon
2 round mushrooms
2 lean mushrooms
2 flat mushrooms
10 clump of weeds
Forest wall
2 elegant mushrooms
2 round mushrooms
2 lean mushrooms
2 flat mushrooms
10 Wood
Mush lamp
1 lean mushroom
5 Clay
Mushroom Journal
2 lean mushrooms
1 log stool (4 hardwoods)
Mush low stool
2 round mushrooms
Parasol de mush
3 flat mushrooms
Partition Mush
3 lean mushrooms
Mush table
2 flat mushrooms
6 Wood
Umbrella Mush
3 flat mushrooms
Mush wall
1 elegant mushroom
1 round mushroom
1 lean mushroom
1 flat mushroom
Mushroom baguette
3 lean mushrooms
3 star fragment
Mushroom wreath
10 Tree branch
1 round mushroom
1 lean mushroom
1 flat mushroom
Count all that crafting material and here are the items you'll need to prepare each DIY mushroom recipe in the game:
Total crafting materials needed
Lean Mushroom - 15
Flat mushroom - 14
Round mushroom - 8
Elegant mushroom - 3
Rare champignons - 1
Wood - 16
Hardwood - 4
Tree branch - 10
Bunch of weeds - 10
Clay - 5
Star Fragment - 3
So you need a bit of the new mushrooms featured in the game, so make sure you know how to get more of them. Once you have had enough, you will need to know how to get the new recipes.
How to get DIY mushroom recipes
The first DIY mushroom recipe you receive will likely come from Isabelle during the morning announcements. Sometimes you will get another one through this method, so be sure to pay attention and check in every day to see if you have one. Beyond that, you rely on the usual method of acquiring DIY recipes: balloons. Make sure to keep your slingshot handy all month, as each balloon that floats can include a DIY mushroom recipe. You can keep an eye on the beaches, noting which way the wind is blowing at that time of day, to watch them float and pull them out into the air for a new one.
So here are all the new DIY mushroom recipes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and how to get them all.