Genshin Impact is an online game that you can play from your PC, PlayStation 4, or mobile device. There is a long way to go, such as leveling up different members of your party, grabbing new gear with them, exploring the world, and managing your multiple collectibles. It's a massive adventure that you can also share with a friend, but there is a special way to do it, and it only happens when you are far enough into the game on your own.
To host and join an online co-op session in Genshin Impact, you must first reach Adventure Rank 16. If you haven't reached this point in the game, you won't be able to unlock it and therefore won't be able to invite your guests. friends to join you. This leaves you plenty of time to explore the different mechanics of the game and have a good time, which means you can start creating higher level content and be a reliable asset to those you join online.
When you reach Adventure Rank 16, go to your main menu and the option to start a co-op session will appear. To join another player's session, you can enter their player name and UID in the search menu and locate them in the list. Otherwise, if you want to create your co-op session, there should be a “My Multiplayer” option at the bottom of the Co-op Mode screen. You can select options for players to join, such as allowing someone else to join you directly, having your session automatically reject any requests to join you receive, or having them join once you've approved their request to join. play with you.
The important thing is to make sure you reach Adventure Rank 16. From there, it's pretty straightforward and it's a fun way to experience the content with a friend.