If you're looking for SHD caches in the new Warlords of New York expansion for The Division 2, you may have encountered a wall while trying to reach the one that's underground near the University in the Civic Center neighborhood. . We've got you covered and we'll show you how to get there.
We've got a full video showing the location above, and a full step-by-step with helpful screenshots below.

First of all, you have to get off on the metro itself. You can enter the metro through a manhole under a bridge show at the location on the map above.

When you get there, just go down the ladder and follow the tunnels all the way down. There are only a few enemies to find there. When you reach the end, don't go down the long tunnel and head towards the tunnel instead. Don't climb, and instead open the door on the left side.
You will find loot boxes in the next room and another door. Through a glass panel in the door, you will be able to see a flashing red light on a yellow breaker box. Pull the circuit breaker to open the door.

Go inside and kill the enemies, then open the door at the back of the room. There will be an enemy with a yellow health bar and a flamethrower that you need to remove.

Kill him and he will drop a utility key. Now it's to go back to the tunnel that goes further underground, and at the end you'll find a door that you can open with the service key. Inside is the SHD Cache and a few other loot boxes to open.