Trainers who go above and beyond their Pokémon training are looking for a roster with perfect Individual Stats (IV). They play a role in Pokémon Sword and Shield. A Pokémon with a series of perfect infusions will have the best stats for that species of Pokémon. If you want the best line-up, you're looking for this one and getting the six stats available to get The Perfect Infusions will take time.
Before you embark on this path, you're going to want to reach the end of the game. By completing the game, you will have access to Judge IV, which will inform you of the statistical quality of a Pokémon. It's in your Pokémon box and when you hover over the one you want to know more about, you can press the "+" button. Here are the details Judge IV gave you:
- No good: 0
- Decent: 1 to 10
- Fairly good: 11 to 20
- Very good: 21 to 29
- Fantastic: 30
- Best: 31
You will only read the words next to The stats of a Pokémon. Of those listed, you want a Pokémon to have “Best”, to have a perfect IV.
To give you a boost, rather than blindly looking for The Pokémon to provide you with the best IVs, you want to look for the ones that have a weird orange aura around them. You'll know them when you spot them. If you beat them, you will receive a sizable amount of Watts to eliminate them. However, you want to capture these Pokémon because they have three perfect IVs at random on their profile.
The next step requires you to go out and capture a Ditto. The same is essential because it will allow you to always have the option of breeding a Pokemon when you want to get an egg. Rather than capturing two identical species of Pokémon every time you want a perfect IV for an egg that they have together, you have a ditto that can turn into that respective Pokémon, cutting the job in half for you. The tricky part is capturing a ditto with an ideal IV, so it might take you a little while. It's worth it in the end.
To capture a Ditto, you must find one at the Outrage Lake location in the Wilderness. You will need the Motisma Bicycle with the ability to ride on water, which you acquire by traveling on Route 9 from a scientist threatened by two members of Team Yell.
Once you've acquired Ditto, you'll want to pick up the Destiny Knot item. You can find it in the Hammerlocke Pokémon Center store, but it won't unlock until the game is over. This will cost you 10 Battle Points, which you will earn by completing the Battle Tower at the end of the game.
With your Ditto and Destiny Knot at your fingertips, you're about to acquire the perfect IV solutions for your ideal Pokémon team.
You want the ditto to hold the knot of fate when you leave it to the breeder. This article ensures that five IVs are passed to the child The two Pokémon, where traditionally, parents pass only three. For those who may have noticed, you aren't going to have six IVs right away. You're going to need to do this process over and over again to get all six IVs, and the sixth is randomized.
As long as you capture a Pokemon with the orange aura, catch a strong Ditto with three perfect IVs, and to give Ditto the Destiny Knot, you should be good to go. You will have to repeat the breeding process several times, and you rely heavily on your luck throughout this process.