Game Freak has made some very interesting choices for the return of Pokémon. Like the Alolan forms, the Galarian forms make an appearance in Sword and Shield, among them Smogo, Ponyta, Darumarond and the one we are going to talk about, Corayon. Here's what you need to know about how to get Corayon in Galarian and turn it into Corayom.
Corayon's Location
As an exclusive for one of the games, you must own a copy of Pokémon Shield in order to get Galarian Corayon. Another alternative is to trade it with someone who owns Sword. The Ghost Corayon type will be in the wild area called Giant's Mirror. The weather has a huge impact on the chances of getting the Corayon de Galanie. So you will need Giant's Mirror to be on a cloudy day. Once you know how to change the weather and get the correct weather, head over to Giant's Mirror.
You just have to walk around on an overcast day until you spot the White Corayon and catch it. It has a rare chance to spawn, so it will take some time to finally get it. There will be a small white creature in the grass and if you enter it you will eventually get the Corayon of Galare. It can also be found in Max Raid Battles.
How to turn it into a Corayome
Similar to most Galarian Forms, leveling your Galarian Corayon is the way to get Corayom. He must be at level 38 to be able to evolve. It will also remain a pure Ghost type.