Breeding in Temtem allows you to obtain a new Temtem without needing to catch them. The offspring can have a variety of aspects that make up their parent Temtem, such as unique traits, techniques, and values. This allows you to potentially create a unique Temtem that you wouldn't be able to catch in the wild.
Temtems and fertility
All Temtems have a fertility value that dictates how many eggs they can produce and how many they can reproduce. This limits the amount of reproduction that any Singular Temtem can do. The production of offspring will result in the loss of a fertility level. When the level drops to zero, it cannot be recovered and the Temtem cannot spawn again.
To breed two Temtems, they must share a type. If one or both Temtem have two types, then only one of the types must be compatible. When you have two Temtem of the same type, you can go to a breeding center and leave the Temtem there to begin the breeding process.
It may take 30 minutes in real time for the pair to produce the egg, and then up to 45 minutes for the egg to hatch, once it is removed from the breeding terminal.
The offspring will inherit the following from the parent Temtem:
- Fertility - the lower fertility value, minus 1.
- Techniques - the offspring can learn from the Temtem parent that they otherwise would have had to level up to know them.
- Features - the lines are chosen at random, but it is possible to force a line with particular elements.
- Unique values - individual values have 40% chance of being the highest value of the parents, 40% chance of being the average and 20% chance of being lower.
- Luma - normally the chances of a Temtem being a Luma are the same as in nature, but this is multiplied by 10 if one parent is Luma and x100 if both parents are Luma.