Are you looking to achieve the Absent Without Leave achievement in BitLife? You can do it by going wrong, but it takes a bit of practice to be able to do it, and you might not be successful if you go into it blindly. We're going to break down the best way you can go about this, to make sure you get the realization.
Unfortunately, a good part of that success depends on how lucky you are to make it happen. If this does not happen, you can try again in the future. The more you try it, the more chances you have to get there. The first thing you need to do to make sure you get it is to get your character into the military career. After that, you have to develop an addiction. You can do this through gambling, drugs, or alcohol. To get addicted to gambling, you have to gamble too much in casinos. With drugs you have to do it in jail or when you get out of the club. The easiest way is to do it with alcohol because every time your character drinks there is a chance of getting addicted.
When you get addicted, you need to send yourself to rehab. You can do this by choosing the rehabilitation option from the rehabilitation menu in the activities section. You can select one of two options that you can afford, but you will probably only be able to access the standard variant. How it works, you need to cure addiction by attending drug rehab. You have to wait for this to happen while you visit the activity, and if you are cured of your addiction and still enlisted in the military, you should receive the achievement. However, you may not be cured, you may need to rehab again to try again. Hopefully your character stays in the military as well.
The fastest way to grab that achievement is to upgrade to the military option, which you can choose from as soon as you turn 18. When in the military, visit as many drug and alcohol addiction clubs as you can.