During your travels you will visit altars where your character can pray to Nioh 2. These shrines are where you can upgrade your character, invite friends to join you, save your progress, change your guardian spirit, and receive a blessing. Kodam. Kodam Blessings are passive abilities that enhance your character during your game.
There are five types of Kodam blessings:
- Oracle Blessing: Increases the amount of Amrita gained.
- Blessing of the Samurai: Increase the drop rate of equipment.
- Yamabushi Blessing: Increases Soul Core drop rate.
- Healer's Blessing: Increases the elixir's drop rate.
- Hunter's Blessing: Increases the drop rate of materials.
You can only have one active blessing at any given time. However, you cannot visit a shrine and have access to all of these blessings. You can only access it by locating the Guardian Spirits of Kodam that you encounter along the way. Locating these spirits is a bit difficult as they are hidden in an area. You can skip them if you don't explore the game or look in unorthodox places.
When you visit a shrine, you can see how many Kodam Spirits you have located in a specific area and how many are left. To find out, go to the Make Offer option in the Shrine menu and choose to receive a Kodam Blessing. In the lower right part of your screen, you should see how many you've found in the stream and how many you have left. The more you find, the more blessings you can give yourself and the stronger they become.
Kodam is important and exploring every square inch of a Nioh 2 is essential to locate them all. You still want to learn how to recharge your ki during combat and change your stance, changing the way your character fights during a battle.