There are a limited number of Pokémon available, but Pokémon Go has found a way to give old classics little touches, like giving them special hats, outfits, or other unique features. Many unusual components are only available for a limited time, so Pokémon Go collectors need to act quickly to capture these Pokémon. A new variant coming out is the Pokémon-based Clone Pokémon: The First Movie, where Mewtwo created clones of the latest evolutions of the classic Starter Pokémon, and several more.
The clone Pokémon includes Blastoise, Venasaur, Charizard, and Pikachu. These clone Pokémon are coming out to celebrate Mewtwo's birthday and will be available at the same time as the Armored Mewtwo event. The event runs from February 25 at 16 p.m. EST to March 2 at 16 p.m. EST.
For those looking to capture a clone version of Blastoise, Venasaur, or Charizard, you'll need to defeat them in four-star raids during the Mewtwo event. Because they are four stars, you may need another trainer to help you take them down, and you will need to explore gyms in your area to see if it spawns at any raid location. available. The Pikachu clone works a little differently. You have to take a photo inside the Pokémon Go app and hopefully the clone jumps into the photo. If so, a Pikachu clone should appear near your location after you return to the world.
The clone Pokemon is expected to have the same weaknesses as its traditional counterparts. To remove Blastoise, you want to use Grass or Electric types. For Venasaur, you want to use Fire, Flying, Ice, or Psychic types. For Charizard, you want to use electric, rock and water type movements. When you see any of these appearances in the available Four Star Raids, be sure to create an ideal team to take them down.