Ori and the Will of the Wicks, like its predecessor, does two things incredibly well. First of all, it has a breathtaking soundtrack that is as magical as it is deep, consisting of a fantastic arrangement of orchestral delights and a few subtle electronic tweaks. Second, the sound design lends itself incredibly well to the world of Ori and his friends, with the voice acting very dark and the vibe that of magical fantasy.
It's part of the experience, so imagine you've just installed the game, booted up the game for the first time, and started the prologue, only to hear that throughout the sequence you can hear some noise. . They are frequent and clear to hear and are a very bad mood that the start of the game tries to convey. In short, it takes what's meant to be a personal journey and turns it into a glitchy nightmare.
In some cases, there are also issues with no sound. Although extraneous noise causes degradation of the experience, it is completely lost when it does.
Developers Moon Studios have confirmed that this is a bug for the game and is under investigation. For PC users, there is a fix that will work at least temporarily. To resolve the issue, you will need to make sure that the game is installed on an SSD (or SSD) drive if your computer uses one. If you are unsure if any of your computer storage drives are SSD, there are ways to check this.
If the game is currently installed on a standard hard drive, you can uninstall it there and install it on an SSD should alleviate the issues for now.
For Xbox One gamers with the issue or those without an SSD, you will have to wait for the game to resolve. The game being such a recent release, it shouldn't take too long to arrive.