While running is definitely the focus of Need for Quick Heat, it is not painful to look around a bit. This is because there are pieces of street art in the city that, once spotted, can be used to personalize your vehicle. And they're pretty cool designs, which means you can add some important work to your car and set it apart from the competition.
So how do you find this art? We've put together a quick guide on how to find every piece of street art in the neighborhoods of the city you run. There are some points that will need to be considered carefully, but we assure you that they will bear fruit, especially when trying out a new design for your vehicle.
Let's take a look and see where to find these personalized works of art!
Sandino Ranches
- Art # 1: Head to the back of Brewski's Bontana
- Art # 2: Look for several truck containers and look to the side near a forklift. You will see the art here.
- Art # 3: Go southwest from where the Sandino Ranches Hut is, and look for a small house. Look left to find the art.
- Art # 4: Visit the Fairview Fields Oranges gift shop near the Safe House. A little behind is the art on the garage door.
- Art # 5: Look for a steep slope with a windmill on it. The trailer next to it will have the art on the side.
- Art # 6: Look for a red barn and a large silo. The art is on the barn side.
- Art # 7: Go northwest of the Safe House and look for a red spot, with some destroyed cars. Look for the white containers in the front, where the art is nearby.
- Art # 8: Look for the radio tower and keep an eye out for a gray building. Art should be on the side.
Bayview Park
- Art # 1: Go northeast and look for a billboard and a flamingo. There is a white building with a few palm trees nearby. Art is on the side
- Art # 2: Still in the northeast area, find the yachts docked near the bay. Look for a white wall in front of them to find this art.
- Art # 3: Go to the center of Bayview Park and look again for the notice board and the flamingo. Look for a beige building nearby with a garage door and some artwork.
- Art # 4: Head east of town, to the waterfront. Look for a white building next to an overpass and the art is on the side.
- Art # 5: Go east to the Safe House in Bayview Park and look for a blue apartment building. Art is on the side
- Art # 6: Go southwest of Bayview Park and keep an eye out for a Purple Spray Can icon. Look for a beige building nearby and you'll see the art.
- Art # 7: Go all the way northeast and head for the beach. A large white building will be nearby and the artwork will be on the beach side.
- Art # 8: Find the bridge on the north side of the quadrant and go a little northeast. You will see the art on the other side of the bridge.
Port Murphy
- Art # 1: Go to the south side of the area towards the shipyard. Climb up a ramp and launch into the air to land on the shipping containers. Make your way to the second ramp and jump until you face another stack of containers. You'll need to find the art in the top half, so keep an eye out for yourself after you've made the jump.
- Art # 2: Look for a number of large cranes in the southwest part of the area. Look for a wired fence with a nearby white establishment. The art will be on the side.
- Art # 3: Head north of town and look for a notice board a bit to the west. There's a white building over there with the art on the side
- Art # 4: Look around the center of the area, but go a little south, past the trees. You will see several warehouses. Look for a red boiler and you will find this art.
- Art # 5: Go north and look for where the boats are built near the water. You will see a small white building, with the art on the side.
- Art # 6: Now head south and look for several truck containers. Look for yet another white building and you will find this art.
- Art # 7: Head southeast and approach the border. You will see several white buildings along a wired fence. The smaller one is where you'll want to find the following art.
- Art # 8: Look for several black silos and a nearby driveway. There will be a work of art a little further down here.
Fairview Fields
- Art # 1: Find the red barn next to the black silo. Head to the back of the red building and you will see this street art.
- Art # 2: Go to the center of the area and look for two notice boards, with the parking lot in between. You will see a Smiling Emoji which is street art.
- Art # 3: Go north to the central area and look for a family property with a small area nearby. On the other hand, you will find the next art.
- Art # 4: Head to the far east and look for a slightly higher road. Along the base, near the viaduct, is the next art.
- Art # 5: Head southeast and look for train tracks along the border. Head into the nearby tunnel and you'll find the art right next to it.
- Art # 6: Go southwest and look for a number of beige colored buildings. They will be near an electrical grid. Look among the buildings and you will find art.
- Art # 7: Find the Outrun gas station to the southeast and you'll see the art on the side.
- Art # 8: Right next to a Speed Hunters billboard you will see the Jewel Beauty salon. The final art will be on the side.
Touches Mendoza
- Art # 1: Head east of downtown (at the water's edge) and look for a blue building. The piece of art is there.
- Art # 2: Head to the highway on the south side. Find the road under construction, but do not go over the ramp. Art is right next door.
- Art # 3: Go east and look for a small wooden cabin by the water. You will see a sign that says "What the Buck." The artwork is on the front doors.
- Art # 4: Head east and find the large causeway with a large building nearby. You will see a smaller building with doors, and find art on the side.
- Art # 5: Go to the constructed bridge and look for the small shipping container. You will see the street art at the front.
- Art # 6: Go down a bit with the bridge and look for a big yellow construction machine. Art is printed on the side.
- Art # 7: Go to the west side of town and look for a residence with a gate near the water. Street art is nearby.
- Art # 8: Finally, find a crossroads on the west side of town and head to a nearby gray / blue building to find this art.
Eden Shores
- Art # 1: Head east and look north from a notice board. You will see two buildings, white and blue in color. Art is in between.
- Art # 2: Go southwest and find the bridge. There should be a domed building nearby. Look to the side for this art.
- Art # 3: Head north of downtown and look for several buildings. Look for a concrete wall and you will locate this art.
- Art # 4: Go downtown and look for a dock with a wall. Take a look at the brush and you will find this art.
- Art # 5: Go to the southeastern part of town and find several umbrellas on the beach. There is a circular building nearby, with art.
- Art # 6: Head south and find a flamingo and a billboard. Look for a gray wall nearby to get this art.
- Art # 7: Go northwest and find a bridge that will connect to the west side of the next area. There is a watchtower nearby with s.
- Art # 8: Go south and look for a large blue building. The final art is available here.
Palm City Circuit
- Art # 1: Head east and look for two notice boards. You will see several buildings nearby. Art will be located at the center of them.
- Art # 2: Go north from here and look for a notice board and an abandoned race track. You will find the art here.
- Art # 3: Go southeast of this area and make your way to a notice board displaying Speed Hunters Showdown. A nearby white building will house this art.
- Art # 4: Find the garage for the Palm City Raceway Auto Garage and purchase this art.
- Art # 5: Head northwest and look for a building with tiles and pillars in front of you to check out this art.
- Art # 6: Head east past the Palm City Raceway dealership and pass the Part Shop to the south. Look for a building with the RS Princess and Jewelry signs, and look for the shutter portal to find the artwork.
- Art # 7: Head southeast of this step and look for a small white building, with the art on the side.
- Art # 8: Finally, go east of the Part Shop and look along the edge of the Palm City Raceway. Look for a green door with the art on it.
Downtown Palm City
- Art # 1: First, go right at the downtown Palm City gas station and you'll see a big picture on a white building.
- Art # 2: Go northeast and look for a docked yacht. Art is on the side.
- Art # 3: Go northeast of your refuge and look for several small white buildings. Art will be on the side of one of them.
- Art # 4: Head southeast and look along the border for a white building. You will see that it stands out with several red bushes. Art is next door.
- Art # 5: Go east of the main gas station and look for a beige building, with art on the side.
- Art # 6: Go southwest and look for a notice board. There will be a building right in front, with art.
- Art # 7: Look on the map for an aerosol can icon with the word "palm" on it. Go to this place and look for a building near the viaduct to find this art.
- Art # 8: Last but not least, look in the center of town for a building with an S-shaped statue right in front. It's hard to miss. Look on the wall behind the statue, and the latest art is available here.
Need for Heat Fast is now available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.