Whenever we make a purchase online, whether it's clothes, tickets of aircraft or products from Amazon, eBay or similar stores, it appears to us the logo of PayPal when choosing the method of payment. Although PayPal is almost unanimously considered the safest form of payment for our shopping online, there are still people who don't know it and who are asked how to earn money for paypal. There are many waysto get it, so we will see the best and the most common: Gums Up.

How to earn money to PayPal
Perhaps the method with which we can get the amounts higher is becoming professional video game players, but, how to earn money for PayPal playing these games isnot easy, we will focus on more affordable methods. The easiest is to transfer the money from your checking account to PayPal account and your PayPal balance will beincreased in a few minutes. But since we are, you can take advantage to make money PayPal free and fast, the goal of every Internet user. And here is where comes in Gums Up, your best ally. how to earn money with Paypal? Join Gums Up and find out!
If you still don't know it, you will learn that Gums Up is one application available forboth smartphones and tablets that used the Android system in the Play Store as forthe iPhone and iPad, using iOS, Web. Unlike what happens with other apps, you don't have to pay for download it but it is the own Gums Up which will pay you with PayPal money (and other rewards, such as cards Google Play, Amazon or Steam, giftcards Play Station Network and Xbox Live, etc). You can earn money paypal watching videos, using apps that proposes Gums Up or participating in surveys. Next to each action you'll see the number of gums that you will report and the conditions youmust meet to get the gums - are always very easy. In addition, each friend that invites are 500 gums extra. These gums are the points which you must then change by PayPal money or reward you choose. So you can earn money PayPal in 1 day and spoil yourself as you want.
Gums Up the best way to earn PayPal money fast and free, but there is more. For example, you can make money PayPal watching videos, shortening links, participating in surveys websites, posting advertising content on social networks, etc. However,these methods are not as fast as with Gums Up: you must sign up for all you can - and make your profile you are looking for - and watch out for the campaigns. Now that you know how to earn money for paypal, put it into practice and get extra income.