It's time to pack up your belongings in Destiny 2 and prepare for the dark. Zavala needs your help to make the final arrangements so that everyone can leave their respective planets. This is to prepare the next episode of Beyond Light, which will be released on November 10. To start this quest, make sure you've already completed the previous one, Exodus: Preparation, then talk to Zavala on the tower.
It's also how to get the new exotic, the Traveler's Chosen.
Evacuation: IO
It's time to make your first stop at IO. Travel the planet and go to The Rupture's spawn location to speak to Asher about your first task. He needs more information on what's going on. Your first task requires you to visit the Sanctum of Bones to kill the Taken there and open the chest:
- Get a sample taken
- Journey to a Lost Sector
- Collect 25 Corruption Coins
The Sanctum of Bones can be found here, near the Rupture spawn point. Complete the Lost Sector to advance the quest.

After completing these tasks, next you need to finish typing Pyramidion on IO and then remove 40 Vex anywhere on IO. You can double the quest, so feel free to do both in the strike.
Double blind
After completing the Pyramidion and scanning the Vex, it's time to embark on an adventure called Unexpected Guests Like a Hero. You can do this on IO, on the left side of the map designated by the blue flag.

Return to Asher after you've completed the Heroic. Next is Titan.
Evacuation: Titan
The next stop is to visit Titan. As IO, talk to Sloane to help evacuate the planet. You have to visit the Lost Sector in Siren's Watch called Methane Flush. Go inside to achieve these goals:
- Defeat the knight of the hive
- Open the trunk
- Complete the Lost Sector
You can find Methane Flush here inside Siren's Watch. It's right next to Sloane which makes it easy to find.

Interception of assets
The next step is to steal the technology from Hive Ultras in the solarium and party rooms. You have to reclaim their technology from the golden age. These Hive Ultras will be decent enemies, and you can take them down pretty quickly. You can find these locations on the east side of Titan. You have to loot on one HIve Ultra in the solarium, then two on Hive Ultras inside the party rooms.

Be the wall
After acquiring all three elements of Golden Age technology, you are ready to complete Savathun's Song, the strike that takes you through the area you just completed. Along the way, you also need to collect 25 Tech Shards. You probably won't collect all Tech Shards during the attack. Make sure to collect the rest by taking down wizards, knights, and orgers on Titan.

We will update this guide as the quest continues.