In Destroy All Humans mission nine, titled South by Southwest, you are tasked with doing some damage to the Federal Agency, making you spend the hardest time on Earth. Immediately after landing you must destroy vehicles and kill humans, with an optional objective of killing Majestic Agents with the Ion Detonator, your new weapon for this mission.
After completing this, Orthopox will ask you to return to your saucer. It's time to destroy the majestic buildings and kill more agents. Here you will notice a new optional objective to destroy a building with a Majestic agent. This can be one of the more difficult goals given that it can be difficult to determine whether you are recruiting an officer, military personnel, or civilian. Fortunately, you can choose an agent by following the point marker for killing an agent, or by searching for someone in a black suit.
To achieve this, we recommend that you shoot a few fast laser beams into the small building at the back on the water first. Make sure you don't overdo it to get it destroyed, you just want fire to start to sprout. Now quickly grab a Majestic Agent and head back to the building. Position your saucer so that you can launch the agent directly at the building. On contact, the agent will die and the building will be damaged. If the throw doesn't knock the building down, just find the same body you just cast and start over. It doesn't matter whether he's alive or dead, the final blow to the building just has to be from the agent.
There are only a limited number of agents in this area as the military spawns continuously, so be careful not to kill them all until you've achieved the objective. If you get it wrong, you have to start the whole mission over again.
Once the objective is completed, complete the rest of the marked agents and buildings to complete the mission.