Social media is all about having a personality and sharing it with others around the world. It takes a long time to develop this personality. It's no different when you want to become a social media influencer in BitLife. There are five social networks to choose from, but to create a BitLife video while playing BitLife you have to do it from YouTube. Subscribe to YouTube and start creating videos.
You can subscribe to YouTube at any time. Your character should be able to create a social media account at the age of 14. At this point, even if you won't have a lot of followers, you can make a video of anything. Click on the YouTube tab in your social media options, and the first choice of video should be to create a BitLife video. This means that you were sharing what you were doing in BitLife and how you tried to share it with your subscribers. It lists the number of people who watched the video and if you are getting any new subscribers or if you have lost them.
For those trying to take on the challenge of receiving 1000 YouTube videos on a BitLife video, try mixing up the kind of videos your character makes early on. You can gain an audience faster by doing a variety of things, but be sure to make it a BitLife every now and then. Despite having several thousand subscribers, that doesn't mean they still watch it. You need to make BitLife part of your primary content sharing, otherwise your subscribers won't watch it regularly. It's a delicate balance to reach that number and have so many people watch your videos. Hopefully one of your videos goes viral.
There are a variety of different videos that you can make while assuming the YouTuber personality. Check them out and see what your audience likes. The game can be biased, however, when it comes to the number of people who seem to like those at Bitlife.