Phasmophobia can be a difficult game to master. It will take a few tries to figure out how it works, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be an expert in no time.
Once you have mastered locating ghosts and deducing which ghosts will earn you your money and other rewards, you'll want a more difficult challenge. This means that you will need a higher difficulty level to test yourself, does Phasmophobia have the ability to change the difficulty setting?
Yes, you can change the difficulties of phasmophobia, but there is a catch. There is no manual way to change the setting of Kinetic Games Psychological Horror Title. However, the difficulty level will change once you reach certain ranks. You start out on Amateur difficulty, but once you reach level 10 you will unlock intermediate difficulty. At level 15, you will have access to the professional difficulty.
You cannot manually change these difficulties, but don't worry if you think increasing the difficulty settings will prevent you from beating specific levels. There is a random chance that you will get a map with a lower difficulty level while waiting in the lobby. If, for example, pro-level maps are too difficult for you, you can walk out of a room, create a new hall, and cross your fingers for an easier map next time.
There are, however, advantages to filling out intermediate and business cards. You receive twice the cash reward and 1,5 times the EXP for beating intermediate cards, and three times the cash reward and double the EXP on business cards. Be aware that these cards reduce your prep time, increase your sanity consumption, and make ghosts harder to spot and more aggressive if you face them.