There are hundreds of unique Pokémon that trainers can find and capture in the world of Pokémon Go.
Pokémon like Pidgey and Taillow are common and can be found easily while creatures like Charmander and Totodile are harder to find, but not impossible to catch. One particular Pokémon trainer struggling to capture is Ditto, the Pokémon capable of transforming into others and stealing their attacks.
Ditto does not appear on the in-game world map because he always disguises himself as one of the many Pokémon in the wild. This mechanic makes it impossible to tell if the creature you're trying to capture is this Pokémon, or a Ditto in disguise.
The only way to catch a ditto is to regularly hunt some of the most common Pokémon Go's Pokémon. Hopefully they turn into Ditto after a successful capture. The Pokémon that Ditto could dress up are:
- Bidoof
- Gulpin
- Hoothoot
- Hoppip
- Ledyba
- give name
- Stop
- Remoriad
- Seedot
- Skitty
- Spinarak
- Venonat
- Aspicot
- Whismur
You want to keep an eye out for any of these available Pokémon roaming your area, to see if you can potentially capture a Ditto from them. You won't know it's a Ditto until you get them, then when you go to the success screen, you get an "Oh?" message, and the captured Pokémon is revealed to be a ditto.
You have to be on your guard to capture a Ditto. Some of the above Pokémon will change, making Ditto even more elusive than it already is for trainers keen to acquire them. If you keep up with the updates and reduce your search radius, using Incense, Lures, and Lucky Eggs, you can increase your chances.