The new Legendary coming to Five Star Raids in Pokémon Go is Tornadus. They are a formidable opponent, with the previous raid featuring Heatran. This is all outside of the new February update for the mobile game, where you can also participate in the new special research project A Professor's Work is Never Done. But facing Tornado won't be easy.
These five-star raids will be available from February 4 at 13 p.m. PST and end on February 25 at 13 p.m. PST.
Fight tornadoes
Tornado is a Flying-type Pokémon, which should give you a distinct advantage. Because he only has one type, all you need to think about is using Electric, Ice, and Rock type attacks against him. You want to use any of these types in battle to resist it, as long as you can beat Tornado using a mixture of defensive Pokémon with aggressive attacks.
Some of the best Pokémon you can use against Tornado include: Raikou, Golem (Alolan), Avalugg, Regice, Beartic, Gigalith, and Regirock. These are just a few examples, but they should give you an idea of what kind of Pokemon you should have on your team.
You want to spread out to find the best Pokémon available to you that will have the ability to do both Electric and Rock type attacks. You want to revisit your Rock-type Pokémon as some of them might have a secondary soil type, which Tornado might be able to tap into.
You want to avoid filling your team with types of soil, bugs, fighting, and grass, which Tornado can severely damage. You can expect Tornado to use these attacks against you during combat:
- Air Slash (rapid, STAB)
- Bite (fast)
- Dark Pulse (charged)
- Grass knot (loaded)
- Hurricane (accused, STAB)
Tornado only has two Attack Bonus Type (STAB) attacks, increasing the strength of those attacks by 25%. You shouldn't worry too much about Bite, but Air Slash will be the most unsettling. A handful of sturdy Rock-type Pokémon are likely to help keep Tornado from dealing too much damage, and you can use your Pokémon's sturdy defense and Rock-type moves to deal some serious damage to it. However, if this starts to loosen Grass Knot, they could take serious damage and deteriorate. Having a handful of Electric-types should help prevent too much loss and allow you to deal significant damage to him.
How to capture Tornado
To catch Tornado, you can only use Premier balls. These are special Pokéballs that you receive for participating in the raid, and you receive them in several ways:
- The level of your Gym badge at the Raid Gym
- Overall performance of your team
- Your combat performance
- Does your team control the Raid Gym?
The more access you have to Premier Bullets during the raid, the more likely you will be to attempt to capture Heatran before he runs away. Coordinate with your friends and think about how you want to maximize your results during battle to receive the most Premier balls at the end. Unfortunately, some conditions are beyond your control.