For those looking to evolve your Pokémon in Pokémon Go to their Mega Evolved forms, you must participate in Mega Raids. These showcase several of the new Mega Evolved Form Pokémon that you can now have in your party. One of the notable Mega Evolved forms that you can find in the game is Mega Charizard Y.
Weaknesses of Mega Charizard Y
Mega Charizard Y is a Fire and Flying-type Pokémon, which matches its traditional form. While it's no different, he's still a strong opponent. It is weak on Electric and Water types and is particularly vulnerable to all Rock type attacks.
Pokémon to counter Mega Charizard Y
The best Pokémon you can use against Mega Charizard Y include Rhyperior, Omastar, and Zekrom.
Rhyperior is a Rock and Ground type Pokémon, capable of dealing a lot of damage to Mega Charizard Y. It is a sturdy Pokémon that you can use in battle that can withstand multiple Y attacks and deal a lot of damage. He has a max CP of 3733, offense of 241, defense of 190, and stamina of 251. The best hits he can use against Mega Charizard Y are the smack down and rock wrecker. Alternatively, he may experience a slap or slap in the face with an earthquake.
Next, we have Omastar, a Rock and Water-type Pokémon. It's probably an unorthodox choice, but due to its unique typing it can prove to be a useful asset during this battle. He has a max CP of 2786, offense of 207, defense of 201, and stamina of 172. He certainly doesn't have incredible offense or defenses, but he can reliably support your team and withstand attacks. by Mega Charizard Y. The best moves he can learn includes rock throwing and slide. These are, unfortunately, legacy movements. Yours can also experience mud blasts and rock explosions to do a lot of damage.
Finally, we have Zekrom, the legendary Electric and Dragon-type Pokémon. Not many trainers can access this Pokémon because it was difficult to locate, but it's a great choice for those who have it. It has a max CP of 4038, offense of 275, defense of 211, and stamina of 205. It has incredible attack power, which makes it a great choice for taking on this Mega Evolution, but you also want a Reliable defensive support from Pokémon. it up. The best moves he can learn includes charge beam and wild charge.
These are just a few of the top picks to use against Mega Charizard Y in this Mega Raid. Your other choices include Golem, Golem (Alola), Zapdos, Terrakion, Rampardos, Kaubtops, Kyogre, Gyarados, Vaporeon, Milotic, Suicune, or Swampert.