Genesect is coming to Pokémon Go. You have the chance to battle ancient mechanized Pokémon by participating in exclusive five-star raid battles. These battles will require you to work with at least three to five other trainers to bring him down. We recommend more than five trainers to increase your chances, especially for those who are lower level. Here's what you need to know to deal the most damage to Genesect and increase your chances of capturing it.
Genesect failures
Genesect is a Bug and Steel-type Pokémon, which makes it weak for Fire-type attacks. But he's incredibly vulnerable to these attacks, which means you want to make sure everyone on your team is using them. It has a variety of resistances that you want to remember, such as Grass, Poison, Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Ice, Normal, Psychic, and Steel type attacks. Use only fire.
Pokémon to counter Genesect
There are a variety of Fire-type Pokémon that you can use against Genesect. Some of your top picks include Heatran, Darmanitan, and Chandelure.
Heatran is a Fire and Steel type Pokémon. It is a good choice to use against Genesect as it resists all Bug and Steel type attacks, which Genesect will likely be able to use against Trainers. He has a max CP of 3754, attack of 251, defense of 213, and stamina of 209. You want to make sure he knows fire spin and fire breath, although he can still be good at it. 'he knows the flamethrower as its charge move. .
Darmanitan is purely a Fire-type Pokémon. He won't resist any of Genesect's moves like Heatran, but he can deal a lot of damage to him with his Fire-type attacks. He has a max CP of 263, attack of 263, defense of 114, and stamina of 233. He's sorely lacking in defenses to last too long against Genesect, so you'll probably only want one in your party. Make sure he experiences fire fangs and overheating.
The final choice you want to have in your list is Chandelure, the Fire and Ghost-type Pokémon. It will be a good choice, especially alongside Heatran, as it is resistant to Bug and Steel type moves. He has a max CP of 3, attack of 268, defense of 271, and stamina of 182. Much like Darmanitan, he has lower defense than Heatran. Still, since it is resistant to the main damage types of Genesect, it should fare better. Make sure he knows the fire is spinning and overheating.
While these are some of the best choices to use, there are several other Fire-type Pokémon available. You can choose to use Charizard, Reshiram, Moltres, Entei, Flareon, Infernape, Blaziken, Typhlosion, Arcanine, Magmortar, Salamence, Ninetales or Houndoom. Once you win, you receive Premier balls based on your performance, the number of participating trainers on your friends list, and whether your team owned the Gym raid.