The second week of the Borderlands 3 anniversary celebration has arrived and it's all about boss loot. From August 6 to August 13, players have a higher chance of receiving Legendary Loot from any boss. There are bosses all over the game, with specific loot attached to them that they have the chance to drop. You have a better chance of getting the best loot for your level with higher stats and effects by leveling up Mayhem Mode. Make sure to put it on the highest setting to receive the best results during the event.
Here's the full breakdown of each boss and the Legendary items they can drop during the event.
- Agonizer 9000 et Pain & Terror: The dictator, White elephant, the Damned, Crader’s EM-P5, Backburner
- Alacritous Vanda: Scourage, Baby Maker, Ripper
- Alpha oint: Linc, Ogre, Infinity
- Anointed x2: The Companion, S3RV-80S-EXECUTE
- Anointed x3: The companion
- Oint x4: Sickle, Bear Trooper
- Antalope: Impaler, boring gun
- Arbalest of Discipline: Friendbot, Antigel (M4)
- Archer Rowe: Mind Sweeper, Back Ham
- Artemis: cosmic crater, static charge
- Atomic: Costume rouge, Faisor, EMPt
- Aurelia: Frozen Heart, Juliet’s Dazzle
- Azalea: Victory Rush, Commandant Rack
- Baron Noggin: Superball Executor
- Big Donny and turret: crossroads save, echo
- Blinding Banshee: Breath of the Dying, Red Queen
- Blue Fire: Lucian's Call, Rocket Boots
- Borman Nates: Psycho Stabber, Cutsman, Sawbar
- Broodmother: devoted, baby creator ++, Fléau
- Buttmunch: Dam
- Captain Thunk and Sloth: Bangarang, Mongol, It's Piss, Mongol
- Captain Traunt: Tankman Shield, Kaoson
- Chupacabratch: Orgue de Chupa, Nagata
- Creeping Family: Predatory Loans, Linoge, Mousquet
- Crushjaw: Whiskey Tange Foxtrot, Jericho
- Demoskaggons: Night Hawkin, Monocle
- Dinkeblot: Butcher ou Lucian's Call from a Loot-o-gram
- DJ DeadSk4g: Epicenter, Pull Out Method
- Dreg and Rage: Hunter Seeker, Quadomiseur
- Dumptruck: TK Wave, Tidal wave
- El Dragon JR: Free the dragon, Stop-Gap
- General traunt: recursion, DNA
- Geniviv: Polybius, dix gallons, reflux
- GigaminaL Smart Gun XXL, red card
- Hag of Fervor: Shockerator, Phasezerker
- Handsome Jackie: Nimble Jack, Handsome Jackhammer
- Heckle et Hyde: Pestilence, Alchemist
- Hot Karl Sledge shotgun, pain is power
- Indo Tyran: Woodblocker, Unforgiven, Gunerant
- Jabbermogqai: Hellfire, Beautiful
- Judge Hightower: career, conference call
- Katagawa Ball: Brainstormer, Multi-tap
- Katagawa Jr .: Storm, Firestorm, Crossroads, Sand Hawk
- Killavolt: shocking 9 volts, the monarch
- King Bobo: Headslopsion, Lasersloder
- King Gnasher: Westergun, Blaster Master
- Lagromar: The flood, long musket
- LT. Preston: bounty hunter, Scorpion
- Manvark: Flakker, Try-Bolt
- Max: Widower
- Maxitrilliion: The Horizon, ASMD
- Mincemeant: Tunguska
- Grogans Mother: Creeping Death, Hornet
- Mouthpiece: Mindkiller, Nemesis
- Muldock, the Anointed: straightener, face puncher
- One Punc: One-pump chump, sleeping giant
- Phoenix: Phoenix Tears, Deathless, Malak’s Bane
- Power Troopers: Vanquisher, Tran-Fusion, Hyperfocus XZ41, Destructor Spinner, Nova Berner, Star Helix, Thundedrball Fist, Surge
- Princess Tarantella II: Hive, Roisen's Thorns, Re-Router
- Private beans: Trevonator, front loader
- Psychobillies: Electric Banjo, Kaos, Breeder, Devils Foursum, Echo
- Queen Ant Wanette: Transformer, Warlord
- Rachel, l'Oint: Techspert, Otto Idol
- Rankman: Night Flyer, Night Hawkin
- Rax: disorderly breakup
- Red Jabber: Rough Rider, Storm
- Red Rain: Roawn's Call, Launch Pad
- Chien de route: Redline, Splatter Gun, Hellwalker
- Sera of supremacy: elementalist, Numbus
- Sheega: Gatling Gun, commanding officer
- Shiv: Ripper, Moxxi's bouncy pair
- Skag of Survival: Bloodletter, Breaker
- Skarakk: ShekSil, infiltrator
- Sky Bullies: Hex, Rebel Howl, Hunter-Seeker
- Sylestro: Pestilence, Spiritual Leader
- The Graveward: Grave, Ward, The Lob
- The Rampager: The Duc, Good Juju
- The Unstoppable: Band of Sytorak, Big Boom Blaster, Devastator
- Tink of Cunning: Dragon, R4kk P4K (M4)
- Tink Train: Wagon Wheel, Moxxi Endowment
- Tremendous Rex: Cold Warrior, Lyuda
- Troy Calypso: Occultiste, Deathgrip by Vosk
- Trufflemuch: Bearcat
- Tumor head: Krakatoa, Rocketeer
- Tim turnkey: Maggie, shooting star
- Instinctive Tyrant: Cosmic Stalker, Red Fang
- Tyreen Calypso: King’s Call, Queen’s Call, Bitch
- Undertaker: Kill O 'the Wisp, Storm Front
- Urist Mcenforcer: Crossbow, Rough Rider, Reload
- Vermilinqua: Hellshock, Tsunami
- Vice: DE4DEYE
- Guardian: Freeman, Plaguebringer
- Wick and Worty: Phebert, Blackhole, AAA, Quasar